Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

How to Rebuild Christendom Now

We are pleased to announce that the articles of Matthew Plese on lost customs of Christendom have now been published as a book. Shortly after I took on the editorship here at OnePeterFive, I asked Plese to write this series which I believe to be fundamental to rebuilding Christendom, because these are the things that […]


Send down, ye heavens from above, your rain Let righteousness rain down on mortal plains Forget Thy wrath, O Lord, be not enraged And our iniquities remember not Forever, for behold a desert made Is our holy city, to us lost Sion Mount deserted is, and bare A barren waste upon a barren plain Jerusalem […]

The Vatican Blesses “Same-Sex Couples”

Tucho “Heal Me with Your Mouth” Fernández shoots from the hip again. In a rapid-fire, frantic spray of responsa ad dubia, the Office Formerly Known as Holy has spewed forth another bunch of nonsense. Again, the Roman congregation cannot speak the Roman language, so the document named an official “declaration” is in various vernaculars. But […]

Home for the Holy Days

This year, the Christmas season – whether one charts it from the first decorations going up in the stores before Halloween, and ending on December 26; keeps Advent religiously, beginning Christmas only with Midnight Mass and prolonging through the Twelve Days and in some sense to Candlemas on February 2; or else any combination of […]

New Trad Homeschool Program!

Credo, the new catechism by Bishop Schneider, will be the textbook for one of two new courses at Mary, Queen of the Home Academy, a new online Trad homeschool program designed for 11th and 12th graders. The program brings together the Avila Institute and Meaning of Catholic and is headed by the editor of OnePeterFive, […]

When “Inclusive Accompaniment” Means Police Brutality

Probably everyone reading this knows by now that Pope Francis has been very tough on Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, removing him from his see without due canonical process. The main reason, it seems, is that Strickland has outspokenly criticized the constant stream of doctrinal and disciplinary novelties that have marked the present pontificate. […]

Clash of the Catechisms: Part I

Author’s Note: This series endeavors to correct the historical record and encourage Catholic parents and educators with a sure sign of hope for the future. Part I demonstrates the public rupture in the catechetical manuscript tradition over the past sixty years, while Part II offers a critical review of the new catechism Credo within this […]

2023 Christmas Appeal: We’re Already Behind!

Last week I appealed to you to help us raise the $60,000 we need for this Christmas season, one of two times each year when we invite the financial support of our loyal readers to help us cover our expenses. I’m sorry to report we did not come close to raising that amount. There are […]

A Devotional Guide to the Latin Missal

Timothy Flanders: Thank you for speaking with me, Dr. Foley. Our readers may recognise you from the Mass of the Ages documentary. Were you raised in the Latin Mass or did you encounter it later? Tell us about that. Michael Foley: I came upon the Latin Mass by chance in my early twenties. I was […]