Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Ten Books for the Literarily Inclined

As Christmas shopping season is upon us, I would like to draw readers attention to ten Catholic titles generally falling under the categories of adventure literature, spirituality, and philosophy. For literarily inclined gifters, I hope that this can be the start of a fruitful booking of Christmas gifts! Over this past year, I have been […]

When the Gates of Hell Prevailed, What did Our Fathers Do?

“This book proved timely and necessary. There are so many questions and so much room for confusion in today’s situation. Embracing the steadfast hope of Mary on that first Saturday gives me a great solid foundation to stand on. Being able to see our history laid out so plainly is uplifting and hope filled. The […]

Cardinal Zen Talks Dubia and Synodality in Advent

The season of Advent and Christmas has always been one of the most intense moments of the liturgical year, as we remember the Incarnation of the Son of God who comes to save us. A beautiful testimony is that offered by the Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong, Cardinal Joseph Zen, who in a new book […]

Pope Francis: How much lower can we sink?

Above: Jorge Bergoglio as Cardinal.  Text of a talk given to the Latin Mass Society in London on November 24th, 2023. Mr. Sire’s audio of this talk can be heard here. When Joseph Shaw proposed this talk to me in early September, I suggested the title “Pope Francis: how much lower can we sink?”, but […]

At Least On Sunday – 2nd Sunday of Advent: From outside and from inside

We might be tempted to ask rhetorically if there was ever a time in the Church when divisions in factions, disagreements between groups was ever so bad as now? On the 2nd Sunday of Advent we hear from Paul’s letter to the Romans. There had been sizeable Jewish community in Rome because of both 2nd […]

Advent Reflections on the Four Last Things: Judgment

Fear of Judgment Is the Way of the Saints Over and over in the Eastern Rite is supplication made for “a good defense before the dread judgment seat of Christ.” The Apostle warns, we must all be manifested before the judgment seat of Christ, that every one may receive the proper things of the body, […]

A Crucial Christmas Appeal

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers,   One of the lies of Liberalism and Marxism is a prideful faith in man’s power of central planning. The idea that if we just create a system, a huge bureaucracy, we can pull all the strings to make that planned utopia come about. Pope Francis and his Vatican […]

Worldwide Crusade in Honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Imploring a Divine Intervention for the Crisis of the Church Steubenville, OH. The Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima, together with His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider as spiritual guide, is calling for a worldwide spiritual crusade in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for 2024. This initiative aims to implore Divine Intervention for the […]

Did Pope Francis Rebuke the German Synodal Way? German Catholic Response

Above: Munich, Germany.  The reader may have already heard of the events that have been prominent news in German Catholic media lately. Apparently the main takeaway in the Anglophone world was: “Pope Francis Rebukes the Synodal Way!” However, that news is more ambivalent than suggested at first sight. German Catholics have been suffering under the […]

When St Nicholas Intervened in the Life of Aquinas 750 Years Ago

Exactly 750 years ago on this date—December 6, 1273—Friar Thomas Aquinas received his supreme mystical experience that led to what Josef Pieper called “the silence of St. Thomas.” I maintain that more than coincidence unites this divine crowning of Thomas’s life with the devotional cultus of St. Nicholas, whose feast has always been celebrated in […]