Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Bishop Johan Bonny and the Crisis in Ethics

Above: Antwerp, Belgium. Photo credit. Johan Josef Bonny has been the bishop of Antwerp in Belgium since 2009. He has made problematic individual statements in contradiction to the Church’s teaching about various ethical questions including sexual ethics, the blessing of same-sex couples, and most recently euthanasia. Regarding the latter, he stated this past September “Euthanasia is […]

Sacrosanctum Concilium Turns 60

Above: one of the televised sessions of Vatican II. The liturgical reform document, Sacrosanctum Concilium, was promulgated sixty years ago today on December 4th, 1963. Introduction Turning 60 can be traumatic: all of a sudden retirement looms on the horizon, less than optimal physical fitness or even the prospect of bad heath beckons—if it has […]

At Least On Sunday – 1st Sunday of Advent: When a door shuts…

Early on living in Rome I learned always to close doors so they latched and to block or latch windows, often the tall, vertical kind that meet in the middle.  Why?  Because when the wind is blowing, by opening a door in one area, the air flow changes, and – BAM! – a door or […]

Advent Reflections on the Four Last Things: Death

Editor’s note: since we have a very short Advent this year, we will begin our annual Advent reflections on the Four Last things today and continue henceforth every Friday until Christmas.  The World Fears Death, but Catholics Must Remember It There is perhaps no truth today more shunned, suppressed, and vehemently ignored than the reality […]

Cardinal Zen on Advent

Editor’s note: embrace Trad advent and fast with the Fellowship of St. Nicholas. In this book, Cardinal Zen guides us through the liturgical themes of Advent and Christmas, unveiling the beauty of the Holy Family and the significance of Epiphany. – The Most Rev. Athanasius Schneider Time is like a spiral We would probably agree […]

CONFIRMED: Cardinal Burke in the Crosshairs

Amidst more reports of the Holy Father’s poor health, it has now been confirmed by multiple sources that the Pope intends to remove Cardinal Burke’s salary and apartment in Rome. It has not been confirmed, however, if Cardinal Burke would also be removed from the College of Cardinals. Neither Cardinal Burke nor the Vatican have […]

First Friday Reminder: the Crusade of Our Times

The Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation is a lay sodality run by OnePeterFive in partnership with Benedictus and (Mass of the Ages). This crusade was called by His Excellency, Bishop Athanasius Schneider in June of 2020 in response to the profanations of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament during the COVID crisis. Now he has […]

Russia, Personhood, and Society

Above: Yevgeny Zamyatin by Boris Kustodiev (1923).   The creature is a perpetual question addressed to God. -Hans Urs von Balthasar The Twentieth Century posed the question of how to organize society. Russia, from the Tsarist centuries through the Soviet era and into post-Soviet times, has answered that question by favoring the state over the […]

The Pope Cannot Depose Bishops Without Grave Cause

Editor’s note: in light of the recent news that the Holy Father, after deposing Bishop Strickland, now allegedly intends to move against Cardinal Burke (again), we present this study in conjunction with Fr. Murray’s recent analysis of the Strickland case.  Father Charles Murray has excellently analyzed the canonical side of Bp. Strickland’s removal. He has […]

Can We Finally Drop the SSPX Debate?

It has been almost a year since the anti-SSPX crowd took yet another legalistic shot at the Priestly Fraternity of the Society of Saint Pius X, and it seems — at least for now — that the enemies of Archbishop Lefebvre and his priests have stopped with their griping. At the end of 2022 and […]