Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost: invitations to jubilations

All good things come to their end other than the joy of Heaven.  Just so, this series ends with a dive into the Epistle reading for the 24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost, the final Sunday before the beginning of a new liturgical year with the 1st Sunday of Advent. Our reading is from the […]

The Family as Target and Hope

The family unit is the foundation of a morally upright and virtuous society. However, the integral and well-ordered structure of the family is built upon more than secular means. The family is a holy framework of God’s sacramental love and a structural force against powers of evil. There is no dispute that for the last […]

2nd Annual Trad Mens Conference Grows

Last year was the first year for this conference, which, by all appearances, is the only Latin Mass Mens conference in North America. Since the restoration will happen when good men stop being effeminate, this conference is important for American Christendom. I went to the first one last year and was happy to connect with […]

Michael Voris Repents

Church Militant has released a statement that the board has asked Michael Voris to resign “for breaching the Church Militant morality clause.” Mr. Voris has released his own statement on Twitter in which he admits to avoiding his own past “ugliness,” and now he is repenting and stepping away from media to “face these demons.” […]

“Peter” and “Satan”: the Two Names of the Pope

An Excerpt from Vladimir Solovyov, Russia and the Universal Church, trans. Rees (London: Centenary Press, 1948), 96-98.   It was not Simon’s apostleship that involved his change of name, for the change, though already predicted, was not made at the time of the choice and solemn sending forth of the Twelve. All with the single […]

The Russian Who Converted Me from Orthodoxy to Catholicism

Above: Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900), Russia’s greatest philosopher.  I will never forget my encounter with Vladimir Solovyov over ten years ago. I was living in an apartment with my Russian Orthodox friend and a few others. I was Antiochian Orthodox but we were both hoping to become Orthodox monks. We would pray the long monastic prayers […]

Who was the “Most Unfortunate Pope”?

Above: portrait by Sebastiano del Piombo. Five centuries ago today, on November 18, 1523, after fifty days of conclave, “the most unfortunate of the Popes” was elected: Clement VII, whose original name was Giulio de’ Medici. Born in Florence 45 years earlier, in 1513 he was archbishop of Florence, and in 1517 he was cardinal […]

6th Sunday Remaining after Epiphany: When you love, you want more. 

This penultimate Sunday of the Liturgical Year brings us a pericope from Paul’s 1st Letter to the Thessalonians 1:2-10.   Paul’s Letter could be one of his earliest, along with Galatians.  Some scholars think it could be the earliest section of the New Testament. Thessalonica is in modern Greece.  Paul visited there and converted both pagans (thus […]

Traditional Catholic Womens Conference Grows

Editor’s note: before the Synod on Synodality, the women at released a statement on the Synod that has now gained over 2,500 signatures from Catholic women. For female readers, click here to read and sign this statement. This followed shortly after their second annual conference, detailed below. -TSF   More than 200 Catholic women […]

The Woman who Refuted the Feminists

A few decades ago, Dr. Alice von Hildebrand refuted the arguments of heretics to “ordain” women to the priesthood in her anti-Feminist writings like Women & the Priesthood and The Privilege of Being a Woman. This year is centenary of her birth in 1923. The Hildebrand Project has big plans to spread her work including […]