Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Which is Uglier: Hedgehogs, Church Corruption, or Broken Promises?

I don’t think anyone would ever describe me as a fan of TV shows. In fact, I don’t believe I’ve ever watched a complete series. Except for one: Jim Henson’s The Storyteller. In a flight of fanciful paradox, I would go so far as to describe this short lived, one season series as a “John […]

Bishop Schneider Responds to the Deposition of His Brother Bishop Strickland

“The one charge which is now sure to secure severe punishment is the careful keeping of the traditions of the Fathers.” These words of St. Basil (Ep. 243) can most aptly illustrate the deposition of the Bishop of Tyler, TX/USA, His Excellency Joseph E. Strickland. The deposition of Bishop Joseph E. Strickland signifies a black […]

Can We Learn Anything from the Critics of Vatican I?

Just before the First Vatican Council, a critic warned what would happen if the council defined papal infallibility as its Ultramontane supporters wished. “Ultramontanism, he wrote, “is essentially Papalism,” and for its adherents the power of the Pope over the Church… neither knows nor tolerates any limits. He is to be sole and absolute master, […]

“Rapenik” Gets a Parish, Strickland Gets Removed: the Francis Pontificate

News broke this morning that the stalwart man of God, Bishop Strickland of Tyler Texas was removed from his diocese. The official announcement was terse: The Holy Father has removed Bishop Joseph E. Strickland from the pastoral care of the diocese of Tyler, United States of America, and has appointed Bishop Joe Vásquez of Austin […]

5th Sunday Remaining after Epiphany: A funny thing happened on the way to Advent

As we approach the end of the liturgical year, an odd thing happens in the Church’s traditional calendar for the Vetus Ordo. The Sundays left over after Epiphany are finally dusted off, “resumed”, and prayed until the liturgical year is concluded.  This is because of the vagaries of the Moon and shifting date of Easter and, therefore, […]

Cardinal Sarah: There is Now a “Crisis of the Magisterium”

Editor’s note: what follows is the official English text from His Eminence. Original address delivered in Italian here: Presentation of “Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith” Robert Cardinal Sarah, Prefect emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments Rome, Thursday, 26 October 2023   Firstly, I would like to thank […]

Truth and Charity for Persons with Gender Struggles

Truth has such a clear and calm power. My aim in pastoral work is this: to help by the power of truth.—Romano Guardini The late, great Pope Benedict XVI (1927-2022) writes in his 2009 encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, “Charity, in fact, ‘rejoices in the truth’ (1 Cor 13:6).” He adds, “Only in truth does charity […]

Pope Francis Welcomes “Transgender” People as Godparents

“An historic step forward.” That’s how Jimmy “Bridge to Hell” Martin praised it. Pope Francis has committed yet another “heresy of practice.” What just happened? In a document issued only in Italian (since no one in Rome seems to know the Roman language any more), two kinds of persons are put forth and “welcomed” and […]

Pope Imposes “Paradigm Shift” on Vatican Theology

Pope Francis stays on message with the release of his latest motu propio entitled Ad Theologiam Promovendam (“to promote theology”), continuing his refrain that the Church needs to reach the peripheries.  Maintaining this as his primary mission is unobjectionable as Christ called all sinners, tax collectors and prostitutes, Jew and Gentile alike. On this same […]

Pope Has “Uttered Plenty of Material Heresies”: Former Vatican Doctrinal Head

In a new interview with LifeSite News, Cardinal Müller, the former head of the Holy Office said that Pope Francis “has already uttered plenty of material heresies,” but that since these are not formal heresies, Pope Francis has not lost his office. He affirmed the theory of St. Robert Bellarmine, whose opinion was that the […]