Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope Francis Attempts to Rig the Next Papal Election

One of the lies of Liberalism and Marxism is a prideful faith in man’s power of central planning. The idea that if we just create a system, a huge bureaucracy, we can pull all the strings to make that planned utopia come about. His Holiness, “the Dictator Pope” and his Vatican regime of Iconoclasm have […]

The Synodal Way Won Me Over

I have not written on matters of faith in a long time. “Why?” I’m sure no one has asked. I will inflict an answer upon you regardless. It’s simple. I’ve been undergoing a spiritual transformation. I have received a re-catechization and am now awakened. No longer burdened by traditional ideologies, I am forever changed, and […]

23rd Sunday after Pentecost: “Stand firm in the Lord, my beloved!”

We would have had a first selection from Philippians last week, the last Sunday of October, but the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost was superseded by the Feast of Christ the King in the Vetus calendar.  Sunday’s reading from Philippians 3:17-21 and 4:1-3 is also used in the Vetus calendar on the Feast of St. Clement […]

First Friday Reminder: Bishop Schneider’s Crusade

I wholeheartedly support and bless this necessary and very important lay initiative for eucharistic revival in the Church of our day. -Bishop Athanasius Schneider Crusaders praying +Schneider’s prayer of Eucharistic Reparation at the CIC Conference, 2023 The Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation is a lay sodality run by OnePeterFive in partnership with Benedictus and (Mass […]

Let us Labor to Save our Souls

My brother, in this picture of death behold yourself and what you must one day become. “Remember that dust thou art, and unto dust thou shall return.” Consider that in a few years, and perhaps in a few months or days, you will become rottenness and worms. By this thought Job became a saint. I […]

The Body in the Grave

But, Christian soul, that you may see more clearly what you are, follow the advice of St. Chrysostom: “Go to the grave; contemplate dust, ashes, worms; and sigh.” 2 Behold how that corpse first turns yellow, and then black. Afterwards, the entire body is covered with a white, disgusting mould; then comes forth a clammy, […]

Synod Final Document: a Program of Subversion

The Relatio Synodalis does not state directly the liceity of adulterous or otherwise immoral sexual relations; it does not state directly the ordination of women; it does not state directly that celibacy must be abolished. But it is the most extensive and deep program of subversion of the Catholic Church ever written. It is a […]

The Body on its Death Bed

Editor’s note: for the All Souls Triduum and the month of November this year we present three chapters from this classic work by St. Alphonsus. You can find this work for free online, with iPieta, or purchase a copy here.  Portrait of a Man who has recently gone into the Other World. “Dust thou art, […]

Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit? The #SchismaticWay is Done for Now

First, let’s remember one thing: the outcome of the synod on Synodality has already been determined. Remember what happened with the Family Synod of 2016? According to Archbishop Forte, Pope Francis had a predetermined outcome and pushed it through against the will of the bishops, then “drew out the conclusions” in the infamous footnote. So […]

Female Authority and the Charismatic Synod of Renewal

Author’s note: In this article I will be quite critical of the Charismatic Renewal, but I ask for patience from anyone who reads this article who is involved in the Renewal. I spent a considerable amount of time running in Renewal circles, and I know there are many wonderful and faithful people who love the […]