Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

21st Sunday after Pentecost: Put on the whole armor of God

You know the story of Esther during the Babylonian Exile.  Wicked Haman plotted to get the King to kill all the Jews.  Esther foiled his plan and instead the Jews were able to slay their enemies. You know the story of Job.  He was a righteous man whom Satan tormented with God’s permission to test […]

Pope: “The Church Has to Change”

In a new interview, the Roman Pontiff has elaborated on the synodal dream of Cardinal Martini, taking place now in Rome. But before we get to that, we should be fair and say that he also said a few good things: We were all unexperienced young people once, and sometimes young boys and girls hold […]

The Pope’s “Laudate Deum”: When Communism Comes Again

“When Communism comes again everything will happen.” The author responded: “What do you mean by comes again?” “Yes, when it newly comes again,” [Conchita] replied. “Does that mean that Communism will go away before that?” “I don’t know,” she said in reply, “the Blessed Virgin simply said ‘when Communism comes again’.” —Garabandal – Der Zeigefinger Gottes (Garabandal – The Finger […]

A Gentle Mountain Man: Meeting St. Benedict

I love mountains. I was born in the foothills of the Austrian Alps, and grew up in the shadow of the rocky mountains. Mountains have an uplifting quality about them. Strange as it sounds, I want to say they are necessary for the soul to breathe: they allow the psyche to expand. Perhaps this is […]

Rigged Synod Experts Will Proclaim “the Will of God”

So it’s October 17th, and we are more than half way through this month of the #SchismaticWay, and what do we have so far? A particular generation of theologians have more or less declared this synod to be the dream of Cardinal Martini (pictured above left), where they can finally find that reform they always […]

Why a Good Bishop Should Not Ignore but Obey His Unjust Deposition by a Pope

Responding to press reports that the pope will ask for his resignation, Bishop Joseph Strickland wrote on his blog: “I have said publicly that I cannot resign as Bishop of Tyler because that would be me abandoning the flock that I was given charge of by Pope Benedict XVI. I have also said that I […]

The Music Regained in Heaven

Above: the San Brizio Chapel. Five centuries ago, on October 16, 1532, “an excellent painter,” Luca Signorelli, died. He “was more famous throughout Italy in his day, and his works were held in greater price than has ever been the case with any other master at any time whatsoever.”[1] Born around 1450 in Cortona, central […]

Part II: Heralds of a Catholic Russia

Above: Portrait of Vladimir Solovyov by Ivan Kramskoy, 1885 Read: What is the Russian Catholic Church? Part I: Introduction   Vladimir Solovyov (1853–1900), Russian religious thinker It was in 1888 in Paris that Solovyov published the article “The Russian Idea.” In it, the philosopher asserted that Russian Orthodoxy, in order to overcome its own spiritual crisis, […]

20th Sunday after Pentecost: Sober inebriation

Context is always important.  First, where are we in the liturgical year for this 20th Sunday after Pentecost?   Historically, this is the 5th Sunday after the Feast of St. Cyprian.   Obviously, this is a telling of Sundays that existed before numbering them after Pentecost.  The great liturgist, Bl. Ildefonso Schuster informs us that The computation […]

What is the Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima?

Photo by Allison Girone Flanders: Hello Christopher. It’s been a joy getting to know via correspondence, and I’m grateful for the official partnership between OnePeterFive and the Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima in promoting the Icon of the Theotokos of Fatima (“In Thee Unity”). Can you tell me and our readers a little bit […]