Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

How to Build a Catholic Town

St Marys, Kansas is a small town. This small town may well be the capital of the Catholic English-speaking world as Kennedy Hall has called it. This town has undergone immense changes in the last 45 years as Catholics determined to give their children a traditional Catholic upbringing have flocked to the area. The main […]

Polluting the Internet with Falsehoods

A website that appears to be dedicated to continually lowering the “low-water” mark for the Catholic press has truly outdone itself by publishing a clumsy farce of the Ottaviani Intervention, re-imagined as a piece from 1570 objecting to the “reform” of Pius V: “Contents of secret liturgical document revealed!” Every claim made in the farce […]

Roman Priests United against Pope Francis “Both Conservative and Liberal”

I’m stopped at a diner in rural Illinois en route to Sr. Wilhelmina’s childhood city, St. Louis. I’m happy to report that the local diner Old Route 66 Family Restaurant in Dwight, IL has excellent signature hot sauce. Pilgrimage to Sr. Wilhelmina has begun! ***DONATE*** to help raise the funds for the film: See […]

2nd Annual “Thanksgiving for Columbus” Day

Dear OnePeterFive donor, supporters and readers, Pope Francis was ordained to the priesthood in 1969 after a decade of formation by the Jesuits in Argentina. The Hispanic regions of the Americas had already suffered for over a century from the Anglo-Freemasonic and anti-Catholic agenda of the American Empire, especially since the Monroe Doctrine of 1823. […]

What is the Russian Catholic Church? Part I: Introduction

Above: the parish of the Descent of the Holy Spirit in St. Petersburg on November 6, 2022. When introducing a topic to someone just as curious as new to the matter, one usually has to choose between the two approaches that have developed in the West – a more synchronic one that is more typical […]

Marriage Counseling for Bishops?

Above: Ordinary public consistory (Sept. 30, 2023). Vatican Media.  The fissure in the ratio of widowed, divorced, and married women 1900 to 2018. Source. Between 1900 and 2018 the percentage of currently divorced women rose from less than 1% to 21% in 2018. Graphed, the wedge of hapless women is like a fissure or wound […]

Action Item: Calling Upon All Catholics to Respond to the Dubia

In light of the recent dubia of five Cardinals to Pope Francis and the latter’s unwillingness to provide clear responses in accord with the Catholic Faith, the organizers of the Missae pro Missa campaign issue the following statement calling upon all Catholic faithful throughout the world to respond to the dubia as a public testament to the Church’s constant […]

Popesplaining: Paving the Way for the Antichrist

It’s official, Pope Francis et al have answered the most recent Dubia and have seemingly opened the door for same-sex “marriage” blessings. Of course, the vociferous defenders of Pope Francis strongly disagree with that interpretation and have unceremoniously declared folks like me to be schismatics or sinful for insinuating such a thing, but what else […]

19th Sunday after Pentecost: “Be angry but do not sin”

For the 19th Sunday after Pentecost in the Vetus Ordo we venture into a Lesson from the letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians (4:23-28). [Brethren]: Be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore, putting […]

Can Doctrinal “Development” Flout the Laws of Logic?

Above: Cardinal Burke at the Vatican. The new “Dubia Brothers” include two of the original four (the other two now deceased), plus the modern confessor Cardinal Zen, the contemplative Cardinal Sarah, and Mexican stalwart Cardinal Íñiguez. Editor’s note: as the subject of doctrinal development is at the heart of the new Dubia, and indeed, the […]