Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

First Friday Reminder: Join the New Crusade!

I wholeheartedly support and bless this necessary and very important lay initiative for eucharistic revival in the Church of our day. -Bishop Athanasius Schneider Crusaders praying +Schneider’s prayer of Eucharistic Reparation at the CIC Conference, 2023 The Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation is a lay sodality run by OnePeterFive in partnership with Benedictus and (Mass […]

The Missa Cantata sine Hymnis – Moving Toward an Ideal

For a time, my former housemates and I established a short-lived endeavour to learn all the Gregorian Ordinary settings, which we dubbed “Ordinary Club.” After singing through the Gloria from Mass II, one of them remarked that this chant, assigned for First Class Feasts, is of such a level of solemnity and beauty that it […]

Who is the New Mexican Dubia Cardinal?

Editor’s note: reading the list of the new “Dubia Cardinals,” our readers will likely recognise every name but this one. Here is our treatment from one of our Hispanidad writers. The remarkable story of Cardinal Íñiguez is intertwined with the legacy of Cardinal Posadas Ocampo and the turbulent backdrop of Mexican society. Their journeys exemplify […]

What is the False Spirit of Vatican One?

Editor’s note: in light of recent news, we remind our readers of our study on hyperpapalism. The issues we face predate Vatican II by a few generations, especially in regards to the clericalist nature of Vatican I (and thus the modern Church), an innovation imposed on the Church by Bl. Pius IX. This is part […]

The Inevitable Failure of the Worldly Synod

There is nothing anyone can do to change or harm the substance of the Holy Eucharist. Likewise, there is nothing the Synod on Synodality can do to change or harm the nature of the Church, which is Marian. The victory of Our Lady throughout her earthly life is a pattern shown to us for the […]

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: the Conversion of Russia

Dear OnePeterFive donor, supporters and readers,   In his seminal essay “The Charitable Anathema,” Dietrich von Hildebrand reviews the many “plagues” that were at that time “a clear and present fact” in the Church (he died in 1977), and he ends with this immortal statement: There is, in other words, no reason whatever for optimism; […]

18th Sunday after Pentecost: “Death, rather than sin!”

Our glimpse into the Epistle reading for Sunday’s Holy Mass in the Vetus Ordo of the Roman Rite continues for this coming 18th Sunday after Pentecost.  Bl. Ildefonso Schuster, the great liturgist and once Cardinal Archbishop of Milan (+1954) informs us that our ancient Roman forbears identified this Sunday as the “third after the ‘birthday’ […]

Father Altman, Pope Francis, and the Traditional Catholic Father Wound

In this article, it is my intention to discuss the recent Father Altman situation, which has now escalated. If you were unaware, Altman produced a video wherein he said Pope Francis had lost the papacy due to heresy. Since then, he has released another video that is a tad bit more controversial, wherein he essentially […]

Bishop Schneider’s Prayer for the Synod on Synodality

Lord Jesus Christ, Our God and Saviour, You are the Head of the Church, Your spotless Bride and Mystical Body. Look mercifully upon the profound distress to which Our Holy Mother Church has been subjected. Doctrinal confusion, moral abomination, and liturgical abuse have, in our day, reached an unprecedented height. “The heathens have come into […]

Re-Christianising England: Walsingham & Sacred Geography

All photos by the author.  I recently walked the 76 miles from Cambridge to Walsingham in Norfolk, via Ely, over four days, a walk organised by the Latin Mass Society. I met most of my fellow pilgrims—for that was what they were—after the first leg, and walked with them for the remaining 57 mile: 200 […]