Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Why a Bishop Should Ignore His Unjust Deposition by a Pope: A Dialogue

The following dialogue is based on a real interview that took place between John-Henry Westen and Peter Kwasniewski, the video of which can be seen at LifeSiteNews (link). The transcript has been edited for brevity, clarity, and literary effect (hence the change in names of the speakers, etc.). Servideus: Paulinus, it seems like the pope […]

Forgotten Customs of Ember Days

The Ancient Institution of Ember Days Ember days were categorized by three elements: prayers for both thanksgiving and petition, penance in the form of fasting and abstinence, and ordinations. Like Rogation Days, Ember Days developed early times, taking the form that would continue for centuries. The Catholic Encyclopedia explains:   At first the Church in Rome had fasts in June, September, […]

16th Sunday after Pentecost: the breadth and length and height and depth

This week, for the 16th Sunday after Pentecost in the Vetus Ordo, we are in Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians 3:13-21.  Paul penned this letter, along with that to the Colossians and to Philemon probably during his first imprisonment in Rome, around 62 AD. This 16th Sunday was once reckoned as the 1st after from […]

“Quite Obvious to a Catholic”: Fernández Respondes to Critics Immediately

In a lightning-fast response to criticisms, the new head of the Office Formerly Known as Holy, Tucho “Heal Me with Your Mouth” Fernández responded to his comments about “the doctrine of the Holy Father.” Pentin summarises: Archbishop Fernández said popes have two charisms: safeguarding the “deposit of faith” and a “living and active gift” that […]

Who are You to Judge the Doctrine of the Holy Father?

Tucho “Heal Me with Your Mouth” Fernández has given a new interview to the stalwart veteran journalist, Edward Pentin, in which it is appears that the ideology of hyperüberultramontanist dictatorship is expounded. Here we seem to see the false theology which underscores the gas lighting of a listening Church with simultaneous arbitrary, dictatorial powers. Fernández […]

New Catholic Journal of Fiction!

Above: Alessandro Manzoni (1785 – 1873). In trying to preserve the traditions of Catholicism and indeed the entirety of Western Civilization, literary fiction is an incredibly useful tool. Fiction allows us to articulate truths about reality and the human condition without simply stating them in so many words. This is not to say that truth, […]

Strickland, Francis and the coming Napoleon

As it stands it seems like the Revolution is coming for Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas. It has been reported by the Pillar that trustworthy informants in Rome attest to the Holy Father’s intention to ask Strickland to resign. As much as I detest the editorial persuasion of the Pillar, they do have good […]

OnePeterFive Pilgrimage to Sr. Wilhelmina

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers,   In second week of October I will be embarking on a trip to place our lay sodality under the patronage of Sr. Wilhelmina, for the greater praise and honour of Our Lady and her devoted handmaid, and for the hope of the faithful. I will offer our lay […]

Will the Vatican Force Strickland to Resign?

The eye of Sauron has turned to Tyler, Texas. The Pillar is reporting today that the Vatican might come after Bishop Strickland: “The situation of Bishop Strickland is the agenda,” one senior official close to the dicastery told The Pillar, “and the expectation is that the Holy Father will be requesting his [Strickland’s] resignation — that […]

Pope Francis, Sexual Revolutionary

Above: Papal plane – April 3, 2022: Pope Francis holds a press conference during flight back to Rome from Malta. Vatican Media.   Pope Francis? A sexual revolutionary? Surely not? We know he’s not good but isn’t that going a bit far? Well, judge for yourselves. A very revolutionary change, sneaked in by Pope Francis […]