Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

On “Faggotry” with Pope Francis

Secular media in English found it newsworthy to blast the Anglophone world about what the Pope might have said. First of all, why is the secular world amazed by what might have happened? Is this “secular sin” so bad that even an allegation such as this is considered worthy of the BBC? It was so […]

The Art of Dress –Elegance versus Beauty

Other articles in this series: The Art of Dress – Two Schools of Thought The Art of Dress – Problems with Normalcy The Art of Dress – Learning from the Valiant Woman The Art of Dress – What Nuns can Teach Us The Art of Dress – A Survey of Principles Responding to my recent […]

Francis, “Deaconettes,” and the St. Gallen Mafia

“No,” Pope Francis said. He was answering Norah O’Donnell’s question about whether “a little girl growing up Catholic today” could “ever have the opportunity to be a deacon and participate as a clergy member in the Church.” Directly and tersely, the pope said, “No.” It was a seemingly definitive response—and across the social media site […]

Who was Pope Benedict XIII?

Three centuries have passed since Pier Francesco Orsini was elected pope on May 29, 1724, after a conclave lasting nearly three months, assuming the name Benedict XIII (†1730). This man, “whose labors in favor of keeping and restoring ecclesiastical discipline and of ensuring the splendor of churches have been most known,”[1] also made contributions to […]

Why Harrison Butker Attends the Latin Mass and You Should Too

Of all the Catholic truth bombs Harrison Butker dropped on the graduating class of Benedictine College in a commencement address that has generated almost two weeks of vilification and vitriol, one of the most powerful was his endorsement of the Traditional Latin Mass. As Butker explained, “I do not attend the TLM because I think […]

Octave of Corpus Christi – Day 1

Above: The Last Supper (1562) by Juan de Juanes. Editor’s note: to promote the observance of the traditional Corpus Christi Octave as a part of our Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation, we will publish each day the Patristic readings from the Octave, as contained in pre-55 breviaries. The following readings and responsories come from the Roman […]

The Handbook for Confused Catholics

Editor’s note: adults can sign up for the summer adult Credo Catechism course at the Avila Institute. The high school program starts again next spring semester. -TSF Catholics of a certain age know things about their religion that many — if not most — Catholics today have never been taught. We now have a resource, […]

Neo-Modernism & the DDF’s New Apparition Guidelines

The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF)—in what has been described as a “crackdown”—recently released new norms for discerning apparitions. Revising a 1978 document on the topic, the updated norms, as a general rule, suspend judgment on the miraculous nature of alleged apparitions—arguably reflecting a neo-Modernist discomfort with the supernatural. Under the […]

Diebus Saltem Dominicis: Pentecost Sunday – Rise, let us go hence.

For this mighty Feast of Pentecost we first scrabble after some context to enrich our participation. The sacred liturgical celebration of the mysteries of our salvation make us present to them and them to us. Sacramental reality is not inferior to sensible reality. Indeed, it embraces and elevates it and us, it transforms us. In […]

Femininity is a Gift from God

In modern society, where the word ‘love’ is spewed so frequently and with broad meaning, it is appropriate to question its sincerity and fruitfulness. There is no doubt that the definition of love is far deeper than our secular world projects and it encompasses a higher purpose than feelings and emotions. This is evident in […]