Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Fr. Altman Goes Sede

Fr. Altman has produced a video titled “Bergoglio is not the Pope.” In his address Fr. Altman correctly states that no churchman – not even the pope – can change dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church. He first quotes the dogmas of Trent regarding the necessity of a state of grace for Holy Communion and […]

Reasons for Hope

We live, I think no one would deny, in perilous times. I am speaking primarily about the Church, but not only, for all those concentric circles that comprise our communal lives, the family, the nation, seem to be collapsing all around us. The current leadership in Rome thinks doubling down on every failed progressive cause […]

A Trad Novel by Priest Author

Above: Hiroshima aftermath. Arouca Press, 2023 Vermeer’s Angel  is no ordinary novel. In the process of a brilliant interweaving two separate but closely linked narratives, it explores many separate themes, and unlike most modern novels, leaves the reader with much to think about. Despite spies, evil adversaries and Vatican plottings, it is an antidote to […]

Saintly Slaps and Sung Masses: Remembering Saint Hugh of Lincoln

Above: Lincoln cathedral viewed from the castle.  Even on his deathbed, Saint Hugh of Lincoln had plenty of verve. An Archbishop whom Hugh had thwarted visited the dying saint. Hugh told the prelate, “I am well aware that I have often annoyed you. But my sole regret is that I did not oppose you more […]

How to Be a Catholic in the Synodality Era

Above: Vatican City – Jan 5. 2023: Pope Francis presided over the funeral for his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Vatican Media. A Voice from the Pews We know now that the culmination of the Francis Papacy will occur in October of this year (regardless of whether he is still around to see it).  That […]

14th Sunday after Pentecost: “Life in Christ is no gay fling.”

We continue with this year’s assignment, present some thoughts about the Epistle reading for Sunday’s Holy Mass in the Vetus Ordo of the Roman Rite. Some weeks I feel like Sisyphus, shoving the great border up the hill (Sunday) only for it to roll back down so that I have an even bigger climb (the […]

OnePeterFive in Arlington September 15

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers, Two years ago we had the founders of the Collegium on our podcast to talk about their new and exciting venture in the wake of Traditionis Custodes. This year I will be speaking at the Gala for the Collegium in Arlington, VA: 15 September: 700-900PM The Columbus Club of Arlington5115 […]

McCarrick’s Escape: An Allegory for our Times

Above: Former cardinal Theodore McCarrick outside Dedham district court for his arraignment on September 3, 2021. Andrew Bukuras/CNA So, it looks like Uncle Ted McCarrick is going to walk away from the flaccid arm of the law scot-free. It has been announced that the charges against him have been dropped by the Massachusetts judge overseeing […]

Traditional Theology of the Magisterium, pt. 3: Evidence from Tradition

Above: the martyrdom of St. Ignatius of Antioch In the last installment of this series on the Traditional Theology of the Magisterium, we presented an argument mapped out by Joachim Salaverri to show that Scripture provides clear and ample support for the foundational Catholic doctrine that Christ endowed his Church with an authoritative, perpetual, and […]