Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Help! The Roman Forum Needs You

The Roman Forum 11 Carmine St., Apt. 2C New York, New York 10014   Dear Friends of the Roman Forum, It is always immensely embarrassing to have to write a fundraising letter, but I am very, very preoccupied for the survival of the Roman Forum. Our situation has not been this grave […]

Greek Bishop Exposes Neo-Modernist “Synodality”

True and False Ressourcement In 1575 the Lutheran heretics sent a letter to the Greek Patriarch of Constantinople, Jeremias II. In their hubris, they assumed that the Greeks would confirm their false doctrines of the “Five Solas.” They had claimed these Solas had restored the faith of the early church. They were surprised to learn […]

The Third Semi-Annual Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage in DC

The efforts to suppress the Old Rite cry out for reparation and witness from the faithful who love the Traditional Latin Mass. That is why it is so crucial that the response from the laity be fervent, respectful, and traditional. In the Diocese of Arlington and Archdiocese of Washington, drastic Latin Mass restrictions were imposed […]

A Pinch of Incense to the Great Equalizer of Secularism

The Trojan Horse of Religious Exemption Amendments As a conservative resident of Wyoming, I was severely disappointed to see that one of our senators, Cynthia Lummis, who previously had quite a good record defending the traditional family, voted last year to support the high profile, so-called Respect for Marriage Act. The act was designed to […]

13th Sunday after Pentecost: We live in the relief, not the burden.

For some weeks we had Pauline readings from the Letters to the Corinthians.  We begin this Sunday with pericopes from the Letter to the Galatians.  The Epistle reading for this 13th Sunday after Pentecost (or as our ancient Roman forebears would have called it, the 3rd after St. Lawrence, which shows how important the saint […]

Trad Godmother: Why We Fought for the Latin Mass

Above: Bishop Fernandes at ICSKP Columbus. Photo by Allison Girone.  Now that I’ve been given the honorable title as one of the three “Venerable Trad Godmothers” by T. S. Flanders of in his recent article “The FBI is Coming after Trads”, due to my interview in the “Mass of the Ages: Episode II – […]

Born for a Time of Adversity: a Widow and the Body of Christ

A Daughter’s Love On the morning of Whitsunday, the center aisle of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church (Rockdale, Illinois) overflowed with many confirmandi ready to receive the “Sacrament of the Seal.” Amongst the rows and columns of those in their Sunday best were three young sisters, the daughters of Miguel and Maricarmen Piña. The lively sisters’ […]

The “Mappa Mundi”: the Unique Latin Immersion Program at Wyoming Catholic

A map of the world dominates the entire wall of a room in a little western Catholic college. Is it a history classroom? Or Geography? Or a study center for world cultures? No—it’s Wyoming Catholic College’s Latin classroom, and to students and professors alike it is not a “map of the world”—it is the “mappa […]

Scotland: The Land of the Leal

Above: Kilchurn Castle, Scotland. Photo by Connor Mollison on Unsplash Journey through the Three Kingdoms, pt. I: Ireland Journey through the Three Kingdoms, pt. II: England Journey through the Three Kingdoms, pt. III: Scotland As with Ireland and England, Scotland too has a huge hold on the imagination of the whole Anglosphere, albeit somewhat different […]

The Mass for Napoleon

Two hundred years ago yesterday, on August 20, the Pope who found himself in the storm of the Napoleonic days died: Pius VII, whose original name was Barnaba Chiaramonti. Pius VII Benedictine monk, prior of the Abbey of St. Paul in Roma (1775), bishop of Tivoli (1782), cardinal and bishop of Imola (1785), he was […]