Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Infrastructure for the Immanent Reign of Antichrist

Above: Sermon on the Deeds of the Antichrist by Luca Signorelli (1450–1523). We know from René Girard, and personal and historical experience interpreted through an honest lens, that if one is not under complete obedience to Christ, one is under obedience to Satan in one idolatrous form or another, but with a common denominator of […]

What Barbie Taught Me

At age eleven, I dreamed of one day becoming a Barbie doll designer. Swept off my feet by images of Bob Mackie Barbies I found in books at the library, I decided nothing could be more delightful than sketching my own designs of my favorite toy—what her hair would look like, her clothes, her lipstick! […]

World Youth Day and Anti-Culture

Above: John Paul II at World Youth Day Denver, 1993. You hear the word “culture” thrown around a lot these days. However, I would like to hazard that most of the time this word is misused. Typically when people use the term “culture” they are referring to “general trends in society.” For example, the phrase […]

Vocational Course Change: Leaving the Monastery

Finding Abraham’s Gift Roads don’t always go in the direction we think they will. This is true metaphorically and literally. But unexpected turns when driving a car are usually easier to deal with than unexpected turns in our lives. For one thing, they take a matter of minutes, rather than weeks, months, or years. Unexpected […]

Traditional Theology of the Magisterium, pt. 2: The Evidence of Sacred Scripture

In the first installment of this series on the Traditional Theology of the Magisterium, we began by defining some of our key terms. With that preliminary step out of the way, we can begin our theological investigation properly speaking by turning to the sources of divine revelation—Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. For now, we will […]

Forgotten Customs of Saints Days – Part 1

The Church’s Liturgical Year is a harmonious interplay of feasts and fasts interwoven in both the temporal and sanctoral cycles that define the rhythm and rhyme of Catholic life. While there are many customs associated with the seasons of the liturgical year and high ranking feast days, the entire year is replete with opportunities to […]

Transfiguration Sunday: “We have the prophetic word made more sure.”

This Sunday we observe the Feast of the Transfiguration rather than the “green” Sunday after Pentecost, being the 10th. This Feast of the Transfiguration has a complicated history.  First, in Rome there were celebrated on 6 August the feast of the martyrs Pope Sixtus II and six of his deacons, slain that day in the […]

Two Englands: Albion and Logres

Above: Baggy Point, Moor Lane, Croyde, Braunton, UK. Journey through the Three Kingdoms, pt. I: Ireland Journey through the Three Kingdoms, pt. II: England If Ireland is the spiritual home of many of the Catholics and Orangemen scattered around the Anglosphere, the next Kingdom, England, is surely still the centre of everything and one else. […]

St. Louis Christendom

Above: Patronal Festivity in Saint Louis, Missouri, 2022 Catholics of St. Louis, Missouri, are preparing once again for the celebration of their city’s patron, Louis IX, King of France. They welcome pilgrims from the world over to the 4th Annual Festival of Saint Louis which will feature special guests, Peter Kwasniewski, Gregory DiPippo, and Marcel Peres. With […]

Sacrilegious Disaster: the Opening Mass for World Youth Day

Above: the “carefully crafted spirituality itinerary” graphically depicted from the WYD website.  After a brief hiatus due to “COVID” (which I prefer to pronounce by its traditional spelling, communism) the World Youth Day (WYD) is back! This year it is taking place in Lisbon, Portugal and the opening Mass was celebrated on August 1 with […]