Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Was Pope Benedict the Katechon for the Antichrist?

Above: Benedict XVI’s personal secretary Archbishop Georg Gänswein kisses the former pope’s closed coffin during a private ceremony in St. Peter’s Basilica on Jan. 4, 2023. Vatican Media.  Last week a number of interesting commentaries appeared from unexpected quarters. Two in particular noted the speed with which His Holiness seems to be practically skipping down the […]

8th Sunday after Pentecost: “Yes, Sir!”

This Sunday, the 8th after Pentecost, brings us an Epistle or first reading in the Vetus Ordo, the Traditional Latin Mass, from the Apostle to the Gentiles’ Letter to the Romans 8: 12-17. We have already seen some context for Romans in previous offerings.  We have already had a look into a possible thematic flow […]

The Reconquista Begins Here

Above: statuary of St. James the Moor Slayer. Editor’s note: this weekend begins the important Covadanga pilgrimage which will be promoted by OnePeterFive providing the means for the faithful outside Spain to spiritually participate as our contributing editor will be on the pilgrimage. Follow our Twitter account to join in the pilgrimage spiritually and see […]

How to Plant Christendom In Your Parish Community Next Year

There is a shift among faithful Catholics – it is the desire to renew their faith through prayers, penance, and fasting. The desire to grow closer to God is beyond anything the superficial world can offer the soul. Yet, the spiritual world combined with the natural world can offer quite a penitential and cleansing experience. […]

Adorning the Soul with Allegorical Gems

Above: Disputation of the Holy Sacrament by Frans Francken the Younger (1581–1642). For most of Christian history, the Church’s sacred rites were seen as a vast and multi-layered sacred drama, representing not only Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, but also the whole sweep of salvation history from creation to the apocalypse. Each day in the […]

St. Thomas on the Doctrine of Music

Today marks the seventh centenary since that faithful steward of truth, who was Thomas Aquinas († 1274) – who since 1317 was called “Common Doctor of the Church,” “Angelic Doctor,” “Universal Doctor,” and “Doctor of the Eucharist” – was enrolled among the saints. It took place on July 18, 1323, by Pope John XXII († […]

Papalist Failure: Traditionis Custodes, Two Years Later

Above: Pope Francis presides over the funeral for his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (Jan 5. 2023). Vatican Media.  Another year has passed since the worst document in Papal History was decreed based on misinformation and lies told about Pope Benedict and the persecuted minority of Catholics known as the Trads. That’s us. Remember where […]

The Pilgrimage for Restoration

Above: Cohoes Falls on the Mohawk River between Cohoes and Waterford, New York. Downriver from Ossernenon, the place of martyrdom of Ss. René Goupil, Isaac Jogues, and Jean de Lalande. Public domain.  “Laetatus sum eo quod dixerint mihi in domum Domini ibimus – I rejoiced at the things that were said to me: We shall […]

7th Sunday after Pentecost: Christ’s Soldier Slaves

Our task this week is to dive into the first reading for Holy Mass in the Vetus Ordo, the Epistle, this week from Paul’s Letter to the Romans.   I am always blathering on about context and my context right now is that I am on a driving trip with limited resources, a ticking clock and […]

Christian Fashion in the Teaching of the Church with Virginia Coda Nunziante

Above: Couturières bretonnes ou Atelier de couture by Jean-Baptiste Jules Trayer (1824–1909). Last summer I returned from a silent retreat to find that Calx Mariae Publishing had just put out a small but remarkable book called Christian Fashion in the Teaching of the Church. With its comprehensive introduction and salient excerpts of Church documents on dress, the […]