Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

“The Hidden Treasure of the Church”: Major New Polish Film on the TLM

Above: Bishop Jan Paweł Lenga commenting on the Latin Mass. On May 13, 2023, an organization called Trudno Być Katolikiem (It’s Hard to Be Catholic) released a Latin Mass documentary in Polish (with English subtitles) called The Hidden Treasure of the Church. Professionally produced, involving dozens of priests and laity, and clocking in at one […]

The English Catholic Who Risked Death for Sacred Music and the Faith

Four centuries ago, on July 4, 1623, the greatest of English polyphonists, an “obstinate papist” during the reign of Elizabeth I (excommunicated and deposed by Pope St. Pius V in 1570), died in Stondon Massey, Essex, England: William Byrd. It is moving to read his will, in which we find his firm Catholic faith, an […]

A Patriotic, Monarchist Tribute to America

Independence Day is once more upon us, and with it, all that we love about the Fourth. While the wondrous fireworks that private citizens used to let loose with to express their freedom are a thing of the past in most places (although one remembers with civic pride Los Angeles’ unsafe and insane display during […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Editorial Board Member!

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters, and readers,   I’m pleased to announce that magisterial theologian Dr. John Joy is joining the editorial staff of OnePeterFive. I got to know his work when he appeared on a few YouTube channels and I realised that with our other theologian contributing editor, Dr. Mike Sirilla, he is doing critically […]

Encounter with Sr. Wilhelmina

In 2018, we hadn’t a clue who Sr. Wilhelmina was, but we were told to find her. Little did we know how grateful we would be for that short, grace-filled meeting. October 2018 was memorable for our family in many ways, my mother had just died (a Jew who converted on her deathbed, Deo Gratias), […]

Erotic Poet Appointed as New Head of Doctrine at the Vatican

The Holy Office is no more. His Holiness has laid the final nail in its coffin. And so it passes like the many other great institutions of Christian Romanitas after the Council. After Pope Francis. When the Protestant heretics tore apart Europe and Christendom, the Vatican created the Holy Office in 1542 as an extension […]

The Patristic Roots of Devotion to the the Most Precious Blood

The Crucifixion by Andreas Pavias (1440-1504/1512) July is traditionally devoted to the Most Precious Blood. Not long ago, on the eve of the Second Vatican Council, in a succinct apostolic letter that rewards prayerful study, Pope St. John XXIII exhorted the faithful to fervently cultivate this devotion, which he described as a privileged means of […]

The Trad Movement is Fueled by Childlike Wonder at the Sacred Heart

The Traditional Movement has changed quite drastically over the past five decades. What began with small pockets of fearless individuals seeking to preserve the Latin Mass across the world with slow organic growth has dramatically developed into a large movement of pilgrims who seek to share the Truth with fervor and piety. The growing numbers […]

5th Sunday after Pentecost: We are in this together

Our journey through the liturgical year in the Vetus Ordo continues this week with out look into the Epistle reading for Holy Mass on the 5th Sunday after Pentecost.    For the last weeks we have been giving strong images of Christ as, for example, Good Shepherd.  In a sense, the images are “outside” of us […]

Jews: Truly the Elder Brother of Catholics

Editor’s note: Today on the Commemoration of St. Paul we are pleased to promote this incredible new book by Fr Mawdsley. I had the privileged of reading an advanced copy of volume 1 and I was stunned by the immense light from the Holy Scriptures that is brought by this true theologian of the Church. […]