Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

“Thou art Peter”: a Roman Tradition of Sacred Music

Above: nave of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome as painted by Panini, 1731. The glorious feast of St Peter and Paul is upon us and turns our thoughts to the Eternal City. O Rome, where all roads lead, how much art have you inspired? How much holiness? How much anguish? Hallowed walls where saints and […]

The Prohibition of the Traditional Latin Mass is an Abuse of Ecclesiastical Power

The prohibition of the traditional Latin Mass is an abuse of ecclesiastical power and noncompliance with its prohibition does not in fact constitute disobedience Bishop Athanasius Schneider   The traditional Roman liturgy of the Mass was the liturgy of our Catholic ancestors. It was the form of the Mass with which most of the European […]

Papal Authority over Liturgy: A Dialogue

The following fictional dialogue between hyperpapalist “Rockmeteller” (apologies to P.G. Wodehouse for stealing the name) and papal critic “Traddeus” is based on many real dialogues conducted online. It’s not intended to be systematic but to provoke thought about key issues (pun intended) that will only gain in importance as the blight of synodality—a delivery device […]

Chartres Diary

By Theo Howard Saturday 27th, Vigil of Pentecost Is this the most important annual event happening in the traditional Catholic world today? Each Pentecost the number of pilgrims participating in the famous Chartres Pilgrimage, under the patronage of Notre-Dame de Chrétienté (Our Lady of Christendom), grows and grows (by about 10% per year). Today it […]

4th Sunday after Pentecost: Ktisis

We continue our project of delving, albeit briefly, into the first reading for Sunday’s Holy Mass in the Vetus Ordo of the Roman Rite, the Epistle, this time from the Apostle to the Gentiles’ Letter to the Romans. Reminder: the readings of Mass have their didactic purpose for spiritual and moral instruction, but they are […]

A Journey Through the three Kingdoms

Above: Cliffs of Moher, Lislorkan North, County Clare, Ireland Part 1: Erin’s Green Isle It is amazing how much of the American psyche is bound up with the nations of the British Isles – the traditional “Three Kingdoms” of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and Wales, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey. With us, […]

The Feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

Allegory of the Holy Eucharist by Mexican painter Miguel Cabrera (1695–1768) Today is a great feast which was instituted in modern times and enjoyed only a few generations of celebration before it was suppressed with other such feasts (along with the Octave of Corpus Christi) in the reforms of 1955 and 1962. As a part of […]

A Wanderer Asks Questions about Church Membership

Above: Coptic iconography. The following is based on a real email exchange.   Dear Dr. Kwasniewski, I am a convert to the Coptic Orthodox Church. I was born and raised a Novus Ordo Catholic, but only nominally so, and, as with the rest of my friends, Catholicism was irrelevant to us by the time we […]

#SchismaticWay Releases Instrumentum Laboris

As our series has shown, especially with the work of Miss Julia Meloni, it is clear to everyone who has eyes to see that “The Weapon of the St. Gallen Mafia is Synodality.” The “Synod on Synodality” is the plan of the Third Pornocracy in the Vatican to institute perpetual revolution world without end in […]

Pilgrimage to Częstochowa with the SSPX

Above: Jasna Góra in the distance. All photos by Paweł Rywolt used with permission. Editor’s note: as we discussed in our post about the greatness of Catholic June, this month is a perfect opportunity to commit now to a penitential pilgrimage to offer for the conversion of sinners. Sign up for this pilgrimage here (English […]