Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Brother of All Sinners

Four centuries ago, on June 19, 1623, in Clermont-Ferrand, town in south-central France, was born a man who, according to his sister Gilberte, “has always had an admirable clarity of mind for discerning what is false”: Blaise Pascal [† 1662].[1] About this mathematician, inventor, theologian, attentive explorer of the human soul, detractor of the vices […]

3rd Sunday after Pentecost: Under the mighty hand of God

We continue with our task of opening up something of the riches of the Epistle reading for Sunday’s Holy Mass in the Vetus Ordo, the tried and true Traditional Roman Rite which stengthen virtually all the Roman Church’s saints whom we now venerate. As always, we look at context.  A major shift has taken place […]

10th Anniversary of a Powerful Film

Ten years ago, a priest set out on an 8700 mile foot pilgrimage from central Europe to Jerusalem and back. I just recently re-watched the documentary he made about it, titled “Where God Dwells: A Eucharistic Meditation.” A beautiful film, simple yet completely professional, it’s near silence instills a deeply contemplative atmosphere. Who is this […]

Viganò Message for Los Angeles Reparation Procession

MESSAGE to the Participants in the Eucharistic Procession in Reparation for the Blasphemous Outrages of the LGBTQ Sect Praised Be Jesus Christ. I greet all of you, priests, religious and laity, who are participating today in the solemn Eucharistic procession in reparation for the recent outrages directed against God and our holy Religion. During a […]

The Forgotten Customs of the Sacred Heart

Above: The Carillon-Sacré-Coeur – flag of French Canadians.   Look at this Heart which has loved men so much, and yet men do not want to love Me in return. Through you My divine Heart wishes to spread its love everywhere on earth (Words of our Lord Jesus Christ to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque) The […]

Day of Reparation for Crimes Against the Most Holy Eucharist

Octave Day of Corpus Christi Join the crusade Prayer of the Crusade of Reparation to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus My God, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love you! I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love you. (3 times) O Divine […]

Viganò On “Pride Mass” at Biden’s Parish

Editor’s note: this statement was read yesterday at the Rosary rally of reparation for the pride Mass in DC.    CONCERNING THE MASS TO BE CELEBRATED TODAY AT HOLY TRINITY PARISH IN WASHINGTON, D.C. Today at Holy Trinity Parish, run by the Jesuits of Georgetown University in the Archdiocese of Washington, a Mass will be […]

Brick by Brick in the New Dark Ages: Dr. Kwasniewski Responds to Dr. Minerd

Dear Matthew,   I write this letter as a friend who has long admired your work and who has benefited from our extensive personal correspondence. My purpose here is not to reject your well-intended letter, since I agree with a lot of it, but to offer some qualifications or counterpoints. There is not so much […]

The Epidemic of Invalid Masses Foreseen

Wednesday within the Octave of Corpus Christi   On Monday, June 5, The Pillar reported that Archbishop Joseph Naumann of the Archdiocese of Kansas City had written a letter revealing that Mass offered in his diocese had been offered invalidly for “any number of years.” Naumann explained that “two priests, having served in three different […]

Remember When That Jesuit Attacked Transubstantiation?

A few months ago, in responding to the call given by the USCCB for a “eucharistic revival,” Fr. Thomas Reese penned an article titled The Eucharist is about More than the Real Presence. He gives critiques of the traditional vision of eucharistic piety, and offers suggestions. In all honesty, we can thank Fr. Reese for […]