Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Mass of the Ages Statement on Fr. Jackson

The Mass of the Ages Society is disturbed by the heinous crimes to which Fr. James Jackson pleaded guilty. Anyone guilty of such crimes should be punished to the full extent of the law. Our hearts cry out for the victims of pornography and we pray that its producers and consumers will turn away from […]

Decree on Frequent & Daily Reception of Holy Communion

Tuesday in the Octave of Corpus Christi Issued and approved by Pope Pius X on December 20, 1905 The Holy Council of Trent, having in view the ineffable riches of grace which are offered to the faithful who receive the Most Holy Eucharist, makes the following declaration: “The Holy Council wishes indeed that at each […]

Vatican Shows Shirtless Sodomite, Not Corpus Christi

While faithful Catholics in the Roman Rite worldwide worshipped Our Eucharistic Lord this past weekend, the Third Pornocracy in Rome payed homage to its trinitarian god: the world, the flesh and the devil. With a Christless document celebrating fraternity based on fallen Adam, a dancing shirtless sodomite (Roberto Bolle) was featured by the Vatican News […]

How to Obey the Church

Monday within the Octave of Corpus Christi   Among the familiar phrases of the debate on the liturgy are ones involving obedience to the Church. “The Church asks us…”, “we must obey the Church…” and the like, generally employed by supporters of the liturgical reform. It is not immediately clear what they mean. What are […]

Pope Paul VI Promoted Communion on the Tongue

Saturday within the Octave of Corpus Christi Editor’s note: as part of our campaign for the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus in June, we offer this article for our readers to share especially with their Catholic friends and family (as well as priests and bishops) who are concerned about Eucharistic revival, but may not be aware […]

Corpus Christi: Gut check.

For this Sunday in many places even using the Vetus Ordo of the Roman Rite, there is an “external celebration” of the Feast of Corpus Christi, which was properly last Thursday, that day of the week being a special moment to honor the Eucharist and its institution at the Last Supper. In 1246, Robert of […]

The Harp of the Holy Spirit

Above: Syriac manuscript of St. Ephrem. 1650 years ago, on June 9, 373, died in Edessa (today in Turkey), caring for those infected with the plague. He is known in Christian tradition as the “Harp of the Holy Spirit”: St. Ephrem the Syrian. He was deacon of the Church of Nisibis in Mesopotamia, where he […]

Send This Letter to Your Bishop

Friday within the Octave of Corpus Christi Editor’s note: please print this letter, personalize it, and mail it to your bishop as a part of your contribution to the Eucharistic revival in your diocese. Download the .docx file of this letter here. You can download the chart here. Join the crusade of Eucharistic reparation here. […]

Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the Blessed Sacrament

Above: Athanasius Schneider preaching in Steubenville.  Editor’s note: join the Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation, called by His Excellency Bishop Schneider.   An excerpt from Christus Vincit: Christ’s Triumph over the Darkness of the Age. Diane Montagna: Your Excellency, you said earlier that the way out of the current crisis in the Church is to “rediscover the […]

Living Corpus Christi in a Liturgical Desert

Photo: Dr. Kwasniewski’s icon shrine where he prays the Divine Office. Courtesy of author. This week the Roman Rite celebrates the Feast of Corpus Christi, a deliberate echo of Holy Thursday, on the first available Thursday after Paschaltide. The feast traditionally lasts for eight days, as indeed Our Lord presupposed when he asked St. Margaret […]