Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

A Letter to Trads from a Byzantine Thomist

Above: an Eastern Catholic iconostasis.  I would like to thank Timothy Flanders for inviting me to write a kind of exhortation letter here at OnePeterFive. I’ve been considering writing something like this for some time, but have hesitated concerning the content and voice to take for such an article. I ask the reader to receive […]

5 Steps to Unite the Clans for the Sacred Heart in June

America is at war. Our once great and prosperous land now finds itself on the brink of moral and societal collapse. On every side, the faithful Catholic finds himself surrounded by wickedness. Whether it be the immorality that companies and politicians try to push on our society, or whether it be the sin that fills […]

Forgotten Customs of Saints Peter and Paul

Editor’s note: as we discussed last week in our post on June, this month all of our lay sodalities and efforts here at OnePeterFive have a confluence of purpose, not the least of which begins today with one of the most ancient customs of June: the Apostles Fast. Besides the liturgical and spiritual greatness of […]

Trinity Sunday: Do I hear an “Amen!”?

Context is king in these weekly columns.  Context enriches our encounter with the living Word of God during the sacred liturgical action.  In our liturgical participation we, too, have contexts, life contexts.  Our needs and concerns bring us to thank God and offer praise, to raise petitions and to express regret for sins of omission […]

Lifecraft: Meditative Media

Late last year I had the privilege of sitting in on a class at Christendom College, taught by Dr John Cuddeback, on the philosophy of the household. Dr Cuddeback’s rhetorical style was deeply engaging: soft spoken, he gripped his audience with the intensity and conviction of expression that he brought to the topic. It was […]

10 Ways to Restore June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Above: the Enthronement.   The month of June belongs to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It’s already been claimed for His Majesty for centuries, and the Kingdom of His Sacred and Eucharistic Heart already holds sway over the universe since His glorious Ascension to His Throne – how much more a single month in the […]

The Glory of the Christian Rainbow and the Satanism of Its Inversion

Above: Prayer of thanksgiving after leaving Noah’s Ark, by Domenico Morelli (4 August 1823 – 13 August 1901). There is something not only publicly offensive but positively demonic about the way the rainbow and the month of June—traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus—have been violently appropriated by one of the most socially and […]

The Great Tradition of Christian Pilgrimage

How beautiful are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! My soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord (Psalm 83:1). These beautiful words were prayed by the Israelites as they made their annual pilgrimage to the Temple of Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. The concept of a pilgrimage is one that […]

The Great Re-Set: Freedom of Religion and the Law

Above: the Middlesex Guildhall which houses the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. The Catholic Church has a long and honourable tradition of recognising freedom of religion and conscience for minorities provided they do not threaten the safety and security of the State.[1] Paragraphs 2108 and 2109, of […]