Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pentecost Sunday: Burning from Him and speaking about Him.

Our task this year is to look into the first reading for Holy Mass on Sunday celebrated with the Roman Catholic Church’s venerable and always legitimate and appropriate and contemporary and fruitful and ever alluring and awesome Vetus Ordo.   We come to Pentecost at last, that major bookend, with its Octave, to the Pre-Lenten Sundays […]

Bishop Strickland Demonstrates Humility with SSPX ‘Flip Flop’

It is fitting that just in time for ‘pride’ month – or pride season – if you live in Canada, that a good bishop demonstrated humility in the public forum. A couple of weeks ago Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas tweeted the following: “Schismatic movements like SSPX or Sedevacantists however well-intended are an injury to […]

Domestic Church Customs: Pentecost Octave

See how the solemnity of the Pasch has reached its conclusion without losing any of its splendor. The Pasch is the beginning of grace, Pentecost is the crown. – St. Augustine of Hippo On Pentecost we commemorate the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Blessed Virgin Mary and the disciples in the cenacle of […]

The Ongoing Mission of OnePeterFive

Two years ago I approached OnePeterFive founding publisher Steve Skojec about Crisis Publications purchasing the site. Steve, whom I consider a friend, had been publicly expressing his doubts about Catholicism in general and his anger with traditional Catholicism in particular, and so I felt it would be good both for OnePeterFive and for Steve if […]

To a Seminarian Midway: Is It Worthwhile to Start Over?

A young man sent me a letter in which he expressed his perplexity about whether he should join a community that celebrates both “forms” of the Mass, or one that is exclusively traditional. Dear Friend, Thank you for writing to me about your challenging situation. You have completed much of your time at seminary, but […]

The Pope and the Dog

Above: Pope Francis pets a dog at the general audience in St. Peter’s Square on October 5, 2016. © L’Osservatore Romano A few days ago Pope Francis made the news, revealing that he had “scolded” a lady who allegedly asked him for a blessing for her dog, which she had called “my child.” There have […]

Should Trads Withdraw from the World?

There is a growing desire, among faithful Catholics, to remove all connections from the outside world. It’s a reaction in response to the world’s progressive ideology that includes an upheaval of common decency, a lack of morality, and a disgust of anything related to God. As I understand the root of this mentality, to protect […]

The Price of Beauty

I regret to share with you, that now, as our spring fundraising campaign comes to a close, we haven’t received what we needed. I don’t mean to sound so final, because we can still get there.  It’s really up to you. If everyone reading this message today gives what they can to support OnePeterFive…we will […]

Sunday after Ascension Thursday: The real cover up

We have attained during the week the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord and this is the Sunday that falls between that mysterious event and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. All the events of the life of the Lord are mysterious, but some are more momentous than others.  This is certainly […]

Biopolitics and the Rise of the Biometric Dictatorship

What we have endured over the past two-and-a-half years demonstrate what Matthew Crawford has called “the utility of moral panics.”[1] Crawford rightly observes that the COVID regimes were justified by the hysterically exaggerated threat posed by a single virus, while all other threats to life, including those provoked by the COVID regimes themselves, were ignored. […]