Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Little Christendom on the Prairie

All photos by the author unless noted This past Wednesday, 3 May, Bishop Bernard Fellay of the Society of Saint Pius X consecrated the Immaculata – a magnificent (if magnificent is a powerful enough word) piece of Christian architecture that stands out in the arid heartland of the American prairies like a Rosa Mystica in […]

Coronation, Patriarchy and Lay Power in a Clericalist Age

I was very pleased to speak with our contributing editor, Dr. Joseph Shaw about his very important new book, which we already reviewed a few weeks ago. Shaw demonstrates the traditional apologetic on all the most pressing issues using data which is very rarely brought to bear on these conversations, even among Trads. This is […]

Challenge for Challenge

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers,   I wanted to write to you today about the topic of challenge, and the role it plays in our work here at OnePeterFive. But it became clear that I need to offer you a challenge instead. Last week I appealed to you to help us raise the necessary $60,000 […]

First Friday Reminder: the Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation

I wholeheartedly support and bless this necessary and very important lay initiative for eucharistic revival in the Church of our day. -Bishop Athanasius Schneider The Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation is a lay sodality run by OnePeterFive in partnership with Benedictus and Mass of the Ages. This crusade was called by His Excellency, Bishop Athanasius Schneider […]

The Mystery Withholding the Antichrist

Lecture given at The Roman Forum, July 11th, 2022.  Katechon This lecture is given “IN NOMINE PATRIS ET FILII ET SPIRITUS SANCTI” and dedicated to His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider. The worldwide, cosmic cancelation of Easter 2020 spawned by the Covid Dictatorship and enacted by the hierarchy of the Church was an apocalyptic event, an […]

Can a Case Still Be Made for Reforming the Reform?

The following is based on a real exchange of letters.   Dear Dr. Kwasniewsi, I read your article “Why the ‘Reform of the Reform’ Is Doomed” and would, in a spirit of truth-seeking, like to present some objections that might be made to it. To start with, I do agree that the Novus Ordo is […]

Doctor of the Church on the Holy Psalter

Today we commemorate the 1650th anniversary of the blessed death, which took place on May 2, 373, of the bishop of the Catholic resistance to the Arian heresy, which at that time threatened faith in Christ: St. Athanasius of Alexandria. This great Father of the Church was born about 75 years earlier in Alexandria in […]

At This Most Glorious Time

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers,   I might not need to remind you, dear reader—but still, it’s nice to think about: we are not even halfway through Easter. The Son is Risen, and the celebration has just begun. Curiously, however, we Catholics seem to prefer Lent. We love the chance for a personal reset, […]