Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

3rd Sunday after Easter: Heat up the iron!

As the weeks stretch into the Easter Season, we continue to look into the Epistle reading for Sunday’s Mass in the Vetus Ordo of the Roman Rite.  This week we’ve come to the 3rd Sunday after Easter.  It is the 4th Sunday of Easter in the calendar of the Novus Ordo.  By the way, did […]

Is the SSPX About to Consecrate New Bishops?

Above: the (in)famous consecrations of four bishops in 1988. Recently a buzz has been humming to the tune of rumours alleging that the Society of Saint Pius X is on the cusp of consecrating new bishops. Personally, I have received emails and messages from various people telling me things like: “Father so and so said […]

Cristina Campo and the Monsters of Traditionalism

Recently a well-known Italian writer (certainly no friend to Catholic Traditionalism), Fulvio Abbate, had this comment about one of our Trad forbears, who was born one hundred years ago today: It is impossible for me to adhere to the myth of Cristina Campo, whose birth is being honoured right now. I understand her clear voice, […]

Why the Great Reset Had to Happen

Above: Klaus Schwab with François Fillon, Prime Minister of the French Republic in 2008. Editor’s note: continuing from last week, we publish another lecture from the 2022 Roman Forum. To attend this summer’s symposium in Gardone, Italy, click here The “Great Reset” comes out of very long-term trends in thought and social organization. On the […]

To a Friend, on Persevering in a Most Unholy and Unchristian Age

Dear Friend,   Judging from what you say on social media, you seem to be in a theological and spiritual tailspin. Are you letting yourself get consumed with negativity? In the Church—as in the world at large—there is plenty of evil, no doubt about it, and therefore plenty of cause for despondency. The political trends […]

John Senior: Prophet of Tradition and Realism

Once I had embarked safe and sound on the ship of the Church, I was dismayed to see it headed straight towards the shipwreck that I had just escaped. A worldly Church and a world without the Church on the edge of the abyss. Thus wrote the author and philosopher John Senior shortly before his […]

Forgotten Customs of Rogation Days

Above: priest and school children on Rogation procession, c. 1950. The little boy is carrying a symbolic tree of plenty. Source: Hulton Archive/Getty Images.   What are Rogation Days? summarizes these forgotten elements of our Catholic heritage as follows: Rogation Days are the four days set apart to bless the fields and invoke God’s […]

2nd Sunday after Easter: Every Christian’s Vocation

Our task this year is to give attention to the Epistle, the first reading for Sunday’s Holy Mass in the Vetus Ordo.  We try to include some context to enrich our contact with Christ in the reading and make some branching connections.  Let’s start with a connection. Our first reading for the 2nd Sunday after […]

Apocalypse Now? 29th Summer Symposium of the Roman Forum

Above: “Joachim of Fiore shows the portraits of Saint Dominic de Guzmán and Saint Francis of Assisi” by American Baroque painter Gregorio Vásquez (1638–1711) of New Granada, modern Colombia. Editor’s note: we publish here the first lecture from Dr. Rao at last summer’s symposium of the Roman Forum. To attend this summer’s symposium in Gardone, […]

Cardinal Roche and the Trad View of the New Mass

Above: the Catholic Church known as Die Wotrubakirche in Vienna. Photo by Stefano Perego.   Cardinals Arthur Roche and Raniero Cantalamessa indirectly acknowledged (perhaps unintentionally) what critics of Paul VI’s Novus Ordo Missae have said for over fifty years: The new rite corresponds to a new theology that “represents, both as a whole and in […]