Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Roman Music Under Innocent X

On May 7, 1574, 450 years ago, Giovanni Battista Pamphili was born in Rome, destined to become Pope Innocent X, reigning from 1644 to 1655. His portrait, painted with extraordinary realism by Diego Velásquez († 1660), is renowned. After graduating in civil and canon law, he served as nuncio to Naples and Spain before being […]

The Danger of Trump to Postliberal Catholicism

A few weeks ago our friends at Catholic Family News had an interesting discussion in which Dr. Brian McCall gave a controversial but important opinion regarding the condemnation of Action franćaise by Pius XI. Listen below at 40:00: The Biography of Marcel Lefebvre says that the 1926 condemnation of Action française was the “turning point […]

Diebus Saltem Dominicis: 5th Sunday after Easter – The eyes have it

We move liturgically ever closer to the Ascension of the Lord, when the High Priest, the Risen Savior, entered the heavenly temple where He continuously renews His once for all time Sacrifice to the Father. On this 5th Sunday after Easter we again have a Gospel reading from the Last Supper discourse during which Our […]

Call for the Resignation of Pope Francis

May 2, 2024 St. Athanasius of Alexandria Since 2013, the words and actions of Pope Francis have caused an unprecedented crisis in the Catholic Church, and have done great harm to the Church and the whole world. The members of the hierarchy of the Church have a duty to act in order to prevent Francis […]

The Evil Empire of Yesterday and Today

On March 8th, 1983, United States President Ronald Reagan gave a powerful speech to the annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals gathered in Orlando, Florida to reiterate the Christian identity of the United States and the Atheist threat of the USSR. It was on this occasion that Reagan defined the USSR as an […]

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: June, Sacred Heart Month

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters, and readers, Last month we said “It’s Time to Purchase your Sacred Heart Flag for June.” Now it’s time to submit your articles for the month of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. If our lay sodality of Eucharistic reparation is the core of our apostolate, then the month of June is […]

Shakespeare’s Last Catholic Dynasty

Was Richard III, who took the crown of England in 1483, a usurper and a tyrant who murdered his nephews, or a true and just king innocent of that crime? After reading a controversial contribution pleading the innocence of King Richard III of England, I decided to read the popular play written by Shakespeare which […]

Trad Homeschool Classes Next Year

Dear OnePeterFive readers and donors, Christ is risen! As a part of our effort to rebuild Christendom, I’ve been blessed to be a part of Avila Institute teaching courses for homeschoolers. I wanted to let everyone know about the new homeschool classes this coming fall and spring in partnership with Avila Institute. I will be […]

A Philosophical Analysis of Dignitas Infinita

A glance at the Wikipedia entry for the Vatican II constitution Gaudium et Spes reveals a rather shocking but telling claim. “It was the first time that the church took explicit responsibility for its role in the larger world.”[1] To all who grasp the irony of this claim, certain lines from that constitution itself––for instance, […]