Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Quinquagesima Sunday: A platitude or a way of life? 

Pre-Lent is nearly at an end with this Quinquagesima, “Fiftieth” Sunday. The Forty Day discipline of Quadragesima will soon begin with Ash Wednesday and more intensely still with the 1st Sunday of Lent. Today, as with the previous Alleluia-less, purple Sundays, we go in our hearts with myriads of our forebears to the Roman Station, […]

Catholic Fighting Men Call YOU to Lenten Boot Camp

As we, the heirs of the great jewel that is our traditional Catholic faith, handed down to us through the martyrdom and struggle of untold numbers of faithful, navigate the vast spiritual wasteland of these United States, we must again realize the absolute necessity of arming ourselves in the timeless ascetical practices of our forefathers. […]

Mortification is the Path to Salvation

Mortification. What comes to your mind when you hear this word? Does it invoke positive or negative thoughts? Many Catholics associate the word “Mortification” with notions of penitential acts that one receives from his or her confessor. This is most certainly true, however, there is much more to the doctrine and action of mortification than […]

Please Pray DAILY for a Miracle from Aloysius Ellacuria, CMF!

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters, and readers,   Some of you might be aware that our friend and ally, Mr. Ryan Grant over at Mediatrix Press, has been facing the most devastating thing a man can face: an aggressive cancer threatening his wife’s life. The cancer has been too aggressive, and she has not been able […]

Public Enemy #1: The Predominant Fault

Join our lay sodality of fasting, the Fellowship of St. Nicholas (English or Español).  During Lent, it is easy to focus a great deal on fulfilling your resolutions, but what is the purpose of these resolutions? If we lose sight of their proper end, we risk wasting our time and effort in the spiritual life. […]

The Inspiration and Inerrancy of Sacred Scripture

The Four Evangelists – Jacob Jordaens (17th century) The rise of liberal Protestantism and its later Catholic equivalent, Modernism, sowed many seeds of doubt in the minds of Christians about the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible. If ‘error’ is defined as a false assertion, it is not uncommon to find Catholic teachers today who […]

The Schismatic Trads Were Right? Francis’ New Rescript on the TLM

Above: His Holiness reaching out to the margins? With the chief Rabbi of Cyprus, Dec 3, 2021. Photo Credit: Vatican Media.  The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales and the FIUV (Una Voce International) have issued a joint press release on yesterday’s Rescript, which insists that bishops may not allow the celebration of Masses […]

The Echoes of God’s Word

Above: Nicolaus Copernicus Monument in Warsaw.  This past Sunday marked the 550th anniversary of birth in Toruń, a city in north-central Poland, on February 19, 1473, of “a timid, conservative cleric, who started the revolution against his will”: Nicolaus Copernicus.[1] A student at the universities of Krakow (1491), Bologna (1496) and Padua (1501), an employee […]

The Benevacantists have a Pope… and So Do We

Above: Antipope Benedict XIII (1328-1423), whom St. Vincent Ferrer defended. We have recently been able to witness an unusual, certainly curious event. That is, the convening of a “conclave” by a group that puts forward the following theory: Benedict XVI never voluntarily renounced the Papacy, but “stepped aside” while continuing to govern the Church as […]

Septuagesima Sunday: We Can Lose What We’ve Been Offered.

We move now into the entrance hall of liturgical year’s the second great cycle, stretching to Easter and beyond. This Sunday inaugurates Pre-Lent, with the “gesima” Sundays. The first cycle, Advent/Christmas brought our Savior into the world. Lent/Easter brings our Savior to His Cross and emptied Tomb. In fact, the penitential and preparatory phase of […]