Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Mary, Co-Redemptrix in the Stabat Mater

Editor’s note: reminder to fulfill the First Saturday devotion according to the desires of Our Lady of Fatima. If you have already fulfilled it, offer up more First Saturdays for those who have not.   Mary Co-Redemptrix? Pius XI († 1939), the first Pope to attribute this title to “the Immaculate Virgin, chosen to be […]

The Mystery of Candlemas: Fourth Joyful Mystery

And after the days of her purification, according to the law of Moses, were accomplished, they carried him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord: As it is written in the law of the Lord: ‘Every male opening the womb shall be called holy to the Lord’ [Ex. 13:1, 12]: And to offer a […]

The Irish Fighting Spirit

Above: Rockfleet Castle. The likely site of Queen Grace O’Malley’s death.  The Irish Fight for the Latin Mass, pt. III Pt. I: Rise of the Anglican Regime Pt. II: The Glorious Dublin Martyrs The wars of conquest in the Gaelic interior continued unabated, and throughout, there were martyrs made. The accounts of the time tell […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Trad Fasting Sodality

The Fellowship of St. Nicholas The Fellowship of St. Nicholas is a lay sodality championed by Matthew Plese (A Catholic Life) in partnership with OnePeterFive and Sensus Fidelium. It is committed to putting into practice concrete means to save one’s soul and assist the souls of our brethren. Under the patronage of St. Nicholas, this […]

The FBI is Coming after Trads

The American Empire vs. “Romish Popery” We’ve seen this before. As we’ve analysed here before (see here and here), the American Deep State has been targeting the Catholic Church for decades. At first the immigrants were targeted by street thugs (there was a riot outside St. Peter’s in New York at the first Christmas Midnight […]

Growing Up with the Underground Latin Mass

Above: TLM at a home altar in Oswego in the 1980s. Photo credit: Rorate Caeli.  Editor’s note: for practical strategies, see “What if They Restrict the TLM Even More?”    Controversy regarding the Latin Mass has been a mainstay for my whole life. The Latin Mass, after Vatican II in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee under […]

BIP to Elect Anti-Pope on Monday

You may not have realized it, but a new “Pope” will be elected this coming Monday, the 30th of January. Why do I put it in quotes? For two good reasons. The first is that you cannot elect a new Pope if there is one still alive; the second is that this whole story, more […]

Proselytizing the Popesplainers

Above: Pope Mobile in Thailand, 2019. The following information comes from an article from my esteemed colleague, Michael Haynes at LifeSiteNews, and I have mixed in my brazen and snarky commentary throughout. Before we continue, we should define a term, the term popesplainer. What is a popesplainer? Simply put, popesplainers are most of the talking […]

What if They Restrict the TLM Even More?

Above: Mass for the St Catherine Trust Summer School in the Shrine of St Augustine of Canterbury, Ramsgate, England. Photo credit: Joseph Shaw. Credible reports have now surfaced of a new document coming from Rome against the Roman rite. “It is scheduled for release sometime in April or May…” — Trad priest to @RobertMoynihan on […]