Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Maestro of St. Pius X

Tomorrow marks one hundred and fifty years since the birth, which took place in Tortona, a town in northwestern Italy, on December 21, 1872, “of the great, unforgettable Monsignor Lorenzo Perosi, who was music director of Our Sistine Chapel. […]”, in the words of Pope Paul VI († 1978), pronounced 50 years ago. Perosi, c. […]

Do it for them

As we conclude our fall fundraising campaign, I’m worried. We are still $38,000 short of our year end fundraising goal. Many of you have given, and we’re tremendously grateful. But many more have not—at least not yet. Maybe you’ve thought about it and then got busy and moved on. Maybe you thought someone else would […]

Pro-TLM Strategies in the Era of “Traditionis Custodes”

People often ask me: “What’s your advice for Catholics living in a diocese where the TLM has been limited or eliminated, or where there is a threat that this might happen? What should we do?” As we round the corner of one year past the infamous Responsa ad Dubia of then-archbishop Roche of the then-Congregation […]

The Fear of Hell is the Beginning of Wisdom

Advent Reflections from the Master of Thomism Part I: On Death Part II: On Judgment Part III: On Heaven   Hell. If there is one doctrine that is most offensive to the ears of fallen man and in particular modern man, it is this doctrine. If there is one doctrine that is not preached anymore, […]

The Nativity of Our Lord: Let no one disregard you.

I have been tasked to help you prepare your full, conscious and active participation at Holy Masses on Sundays.  This year I am giving primary attention to the first reading in the Vetus Ordo, usually from one of the Letters, or Epistles, in the New Testament.  This Sunday presents a happy problem.  This year, Christmas […]

A Spoonful of Honey

Four hundred years ago tomorrow, on December 28, 1622 a great teacher of the spirituality, and the patron Saint of journalists and of the Catholic press, died in Lyon, east-central France: St. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. He was born 55 years earlier in Thorens, southeastern France, on August 21, 1567, […]

The Crib, the Cross and the Crown

Above: the Demidoff Altarpiece, (Carlo Crivell, 1476). St. Stephen appears in the upper right corner next to St. Thomas: The Crib, the Cross and the Crown. These three objects serve different functions in the life of Christ and the reality of our salvation and yet are intertwined in an incredible way. The Church draws our […]

Games People Play with the Holy Spirit

Dear Dr. Kwasniewski, Watching Mass of the Ages Episode 2 and your interview with Raymond Arroyo brought up some questions I’ve been struggling with. First, doesn’t it seem like the Novus Ordo was close to what the Council Fathers intended? I say this because (a) we know that Bugnini was secretary of the committee that […]

Metaphysical Beauty made Visible

Man’s purpose in life is to know, love, and serve God with all of his mind, heart, and strength. This succinct answer to the world’s most vexed question holds compelling poetic beauty. Its strong, rhythmic monosyllables are like the rap of a snare drum which steadies troops in the face of battle. Yet, one wonders, […]

The Catholic Standard of Music in the Age of Revolution

Above: the tomb of César Franck in Paris.  Today is the bicentenary of the birth, which took place in Liège, in eastern Belgium, on December 10, 1822, of a composer and organist who, having lived almost always in Paris, was one of the most significant personalities of the French nineteenth century: César Franck. We remember […]