Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

1st Sunday of Advent: Our Savior expects to find us ready

In 589 Deacon Aigulf trekked home to Tours with relics he had collected in Rome. St. Gregory of Tours relates in his Historia Francorum that Aigulf saw with his own eyes the disasters that struck Rome that year. The Tiber rose to such a flood that buildings were washed away, ancient temples destroyed, and the […]

The Monarchy and the British Constitution

Editor’s note: we publish this article as part of a respectful debate among English Catholics. We will not be publishing further installments in this debate. Follow the links below for previous articles on this topic. -TSF   By James Bogle Esq and Dr Sebastian Morello The article by our friend, Theo Howard, entitled Monarchy and the […]

Two Saints at the Start of Advent: Bibiana and Francis Xavier

In the traditional calendar, December 2 is the feast of St. Bibiana, Virgin and Martyr. Having been imprisoned for her faith, she refused the sexual advances of her jailer, and was beaten to death with lead-loaded thongs. The Collect for her feast is magnificent: Deus, omnium largitor bonorum, qui in famula tua Bibiana cum virginitatis […]

On Death

Death. It’s something we all experience, something that will always come. It is unavoidable, uncharitable, unalterable. When man reaches the end of his life, and his soul is torn from his body to its judgment, death not only takes place but engulfs any reality that we knew. How many of us really contemplate the reality […]

In Defense of Manuals and Manualism

Above: engraving of Melchor Cano. Editor’s note: this article appears as a response to our article which included critical remarks about pre-Vatican II manualism, and is meant to be a balancing treatment on the period in theology. See also “The Authority of the Scholastics.” -TSF   Note: This topic includes much confusion surrounding exactly the […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: to Double TLM Worldwide

The team behind the popular Mass of the Ages documentary trilogy has announced our plans to create an online platform designed to increase Latin Masses worldwide. The platform will host the popular “Mass of the Ages” documentary trilogy; stunning short films; free training for priests, servers, and choirs; a global TLM finder that works at […]

First Friday Reminder: Join the New Crusade!

Editor’s note: we are currently in need of volunteers to help manage this lay sodality of prayer and reparation. If you are interested in helping out, please contact me at editor [at] -TSF I wholeheartedly support and bless this necessary and very important lay initiative for eucharistic revival in the Church of our day. […]

2nd Sunday of Advent: Living in the Unity of Faith

For this 2nd Sunday of Advent the Roman Station church is the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem where the wooden beams of the Cross and relics of the Passion brought to Rome by the Empress Helena were deposited and are venerated still today. Last week we were stationed at St. Mary Major where […]

Cardinal Burke Post-Traditionis Custodes

Above: Cardinal Burke celebrates the Latin Mass in Tampa, Florida, for the feast of Christ the King.  One fateful day, I heard through whispered breath a claim that Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke would be visiting Tampa. Through some digging, I found out he’d be visiting the Epiphany of Our Lord parish. Before making the long, […]