Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pius XIV: the Smoke of Satan & the Man of God

Editor’s note: below we publish the introductory material to a traditionalist text from one of our Trad godfathers, Don Giuseppe Pace, brought into English for the first time by our friends at Arouca Press. Thank you to Alex Bardas for his kind permission of this publication. -TSF In Pius XIV, author Walter Martìn, pen name […]

The New Lectionary and the Catholic Wedding

One of the topics most hotly disputed at the synods on marriage and the family, back in those halcyon years of 2014 and 2015, was the possibility of admitting to Holy Communion Catholics who are living in what are euphemistically called “irregular marital situations” — that is, objectively adulterous unions. This dispute took its place […]

International Campaign for the Total Freedom of the Traditional Liturgy

Being a Catholic in 2024 is no easy endeavor. The West is undergoing a massive de-Christianization, so much so that Catholicism appears to be vanishing from the public sphere. Elsewhere, the number of Christians being persecuted for their faith is on the rise. What’s more, the Church has been struck by an internal crisis that […]

Of Manuals and of Those Who Did Not Write Them: The Case of Garrigou-Lagrange

If[1] ever there was a term that was used as a kind of epithet about Latin Theology during the pre-conciliar period, it could be stated in one word, “Manualism.” No doubt, you my reader may have heard some version of this spoken of. The implication is always rather clear: simplistic, ahistorical, and rationalistic. Often as […]

Pope John XIX and the History of Music

One thousand years ago, on April 19, 1024, Romano of the counts of Tusculum, brother of Pope Benedict VIII (†1024), was elected Pope with the name of John XIX. At the time of his election, he was still a layman, holding the positions of “consul, duke and senator of all the Romans.” During his pontificate, […]

The SSPX Sex Abuse Case: the Full Story

Editor’s note: this investigative report was written by our contributing editor, Kennedy Hall, who published it first on his Substack here. Recently it has been revealed that Father Rostand, a priest ordained by the Society of Saint Pius X, has been convicted of numerous counts of child abuse — pedophilia — by a French court. […]

Christ the King vs. American Conservatism

Above: Ben Shapiro, Jewish leader of American Conservatism. Classical Liberalism – the metaphysical groundwork that undergirds American Conservatism – denies religious truth in principle. And if you happen to be a professing Christian, Liberalism forces you to deny reality and live an outright lie. Whether or not the American Founders fully understood the… Source

A Dialogue on Liturgy in Latin: Obscurantism or Opportunity?

Theodore: The idea that “something you don’t understand is more mysterious and awesome” has been a talking point for over a thousand years. What other reason can be given for keeping the laity completely and utterly ignorant of the Church’s liturgical prayers? Longinus: That seems like a huge exaggeration to me. The faithful are certainly […]

Tradivox Founder in Massive Car Accident

My friend and partner in the crusade, Aaron Seng, the founder and editor of Tradivox, the largest traditional catechism project since the Council Trent, was the victim of a massive car accident yesterday which totaled the family mini van and laid him low in a hospital bed. Thanks be to God, the traditional Catholic father […]