Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Catholic Art Institute 4th Annual Conference

Above: the old St. Alphonsus parish theatre, now refounded as the Athenaeum Center for Thought and Culture Our readers should be aware that The Catholic Art Institute will be hosting its 4th annual conference, this year themed “Art & Virtue.” The event will take place on Sunday, October 30th, beginning with High Mass at St. […]

Queen Elizabeth and the Great Silence

Above: 1965, Queen Elizabeth II sits in a carriage during the Opening of Parliament, Queens royal procession. My silence is no proof of malice, as his Majesty can well know by many other tokens, nor is it shown to be any disapproval of your law. Indeed it should be taken rather as a mark of […]

English Hymns at the Latin Mass: Traditional? Permissible? Desired?

Readers surely know this adage: “The truth is stranger than fiction.” Mussolini began his career as an elementary school teacher; can you imagine sending your kindergartner to spend each day with Mussolini? Santa Anna—the enemy of the Republic of Texas at the Battle of the Alamo—later in life spent his time trying to sell rubber […]

Catholic Media Complicity in Church Corruption

The term “Fake News” became particularly popular when former President Donald Trump accused CNN and other news outlets of publishing false stories about him. The truth is, “Fake News,” known in the late 1890s as “yellow journalism,” has been around for quite some time. The problem is that “Fake News” can have tragic consequences. In […]

Forgotten Customs of Michaelmas

Angels are pure, created spirits. The name angel means servant or messenger of God. They are celestial or heavenly beings, on a higher order than human beings. An angel has no body and does not depend on matter for his existence or activity. They are distinct from saints, which men can become. Angels have intellect […]

Theology 102: Theological Notes and Papal Heresy

Editor’s note: please see the essays “The Pre-Vatican II Decline of Theology” and “The post-Vatican II Collapse of Theology” for more introductory material on this subject. The topic of theological notes is essential since those who presume to dictate to Trads the meaning of Vatican II often do not have the most basic grasp of […]

The Dubia of Vatican One

Above: Bl. Pius IX with members of the Papal court, c. 1868. This is part 2 in a series reviewing last year’s debate about Ultramontanism. Not all statements contained herein may reflect the opinions of the editorial board. In our last essay we discussed different terminological aspects of Ultramontanism. The primary dichotomy which I am […]

God Made Us for Heaven

Soul Carried to Heaven – William-Adolphe Bouguereau, c.1878 It is the simple truth: God created us for happiness.  Not jealous of the good He has (or rather is), God fashioned finite intellectual beings—angels and men—capable of sharing His good through knowledge and love, and thus capable of entering into His eternal joy. We honor and […]

How to Save the Latin Mass Domestic Church

Editor’s note: how is your family saving the Latin Mass in your domestic church? Send us a submission: editor [at] This June brought a great blessing, and a pitiable curse, to my family. The blessing, aptly named, came from welcoming little Benedict to our clan. The curse, predictably, was yet another run-in with a […]