Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

What Shia LaBeouf Understands and Bishop Barron Does Not

The New Mass is Inauthentic If you are attuned to online Catholic discussion, you have probably seen clips at least of Bishop Robert Barron’s interview with Shia LaBeouf, the actor who became Catholic after portraying St. Pio of Pietreclina on film. The most shared one (at least in my corner of the Catholic world) has […]

Different Kinds of Moral Monsters: Responding to Hart’s Caricature of Catholics

Recently, I read an article in which the author quoted David Bentley Hart’s perspective on the significance of believing in the existence of hell, that is, a place of eternal punishment for those who die estranged from God, without sanctifying grace. Hart concludes that either people do not really believe what they say they do […]

Response to Critics of Mass of the Ages

Editor’s note: as I stated in my initial comments on the film’s release, the Mass of the Ages trilogy was produced by a number of OnePeterFive contributors and friends of our organisation. At that time I predicted that the film would “put to silence any ignorant, irrational or uncharitable critics of the traditional movement by […]

Some Trad Notes on John Paul I

Pope John Paul I, whose original name was Albino Luciani, is beatified. That is, according to Benedict XIV, he can “be venerated in certain province, diocese, city or religious institute with a limited and typical of the Blesseds worship, until the solemn canonization is achieved.”[1] We leave aside the modern controversy regarding canonizations, and direct […]

13th Sunday after Pentecost: “Unclean! Unclean”

The onset of Hanson’s Disease comes with patches of skin that change color and become numb.  If left untreated, it can result in paralysis, the reabsorption into the body of the extremities, ulcerations, blindness, disfiguration.  It is not highly contagious, but it can spread through contact or breathing in airborne droplets from coughs.  Most people […]

Chicago: the Saga of a Cancelled Parish

Editor’s note: the month of August has now passed since the cancellation of the Chicago ICKSP shrine by Cardinal Cupich, while the deadline looms for more cancellations in DC and Arlington in the month of Our Lady of Sorrows. On this month’s First Friday, we offer this retelling of the Shrine’s saga, to prepare the […]

First Friday Reminder: Join the Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation

I wholeheartedly support and bless this necessary and very important lay initiative for eucharistic revival in the Church of our day. -Bishop Athanasius Schneider This crusade was called by His Excellency, Bishop Athanasius Schneider in June of 2020 in response to the profanations of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament during the COVID crisis. Now […]

Henry V in Shakespeare, Film and Music

Six centuries have passed since that August 31, 1422, when, struck by a serious illness, an unrepentant libertine who became one of the greatest kings of his people died at the age of 35 in the château of Vincennes, at the gates of Paris: Henry V of England. The prince of Wales was born in […]

The Benedictine Victims of Warsaw: Martyrs of Charity on August 31, 1944

The following true story, written by the nuns of the same monastery (rebuilt after the War), has until now been known almost exclusively in Poland. Thanks to a Benedictine monk’s translation, it can now be shared with an English-speaking readership. It concerns the Benedictines of Perpetual Adoration in Warsaw, who gave their lives explicitly for […]

How to Save Your Community If the TLM Is Taken Away

What Modernist Bishops Fear While the kids are laughing and playing in the courtyard, the adults have gathered in various groups. A few homeschooling mothers are talking about what curriculum they’ll be using in the upcoming school year. Some men debate the latest political news. A small group surrounds a young family that recently lost […]