Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Hyperpaplism Under Pope St. Gregory VII (1015-1085)

Above: Canossa, Italy, where Emperor Henry IV did penance before Pope Gregory VII. Public Domain. From Hypothetical Speculation to Fearful Reality In light of the unprecedented centralization of authority under the Franciscan pontificate, discussions on the extent of papal power take on a fresh urgency. The question is not so much on the pope’s doctrinal […]

12th Sunday after Pentecost: Mugged by the Truth

Let’s have a peek at the Gospel for this 12th Sunday after Pentecost in the Vetus Ordo. Context.  In Luke 10, the Lord has sent out the 72, two by two, with instruction about how to travel and behave.    He pronounces a terrible destiny, worse than Sodom, for Chorazin and Bethsaida and Capernaum which had […]

Shia LaBeouf Shows Bishop Barron the Heart of the Trad Movement

Pope Benedict XVI said in 2007: It has clearly been demonstrated that young persons too have discovered this liturgical form [of the Latin Mass], felt its attraction and found in it a form of encounter with the Mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist, particularly suited to them (“Letter Accompanying Summorum Pontificum”). Why is this so? […]

Against Traditionalist Neo-Gallicanism

Above: Blessed Pius IX addresses the Liberal mob in Rome. Painting by Bryullov Karl (1799-1852).   The Barque of Peter, the Holy Catholic Church, has been sailing the seas of history for two thousand years. Sometimes the sea is calm, the wind is favorable, and the barque glides smoothly over the waves. At other times, […]

“Unity Über Alles”: Bishop Burbidge in His Own Words

Above: the nave of St. Thomas More Cathedral, the apostolic chair of Arlington. On July 29, 2022, Bishop Michael Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington, Virginia, promulgated a “Policy for Implementation of Traditionis Custodes in the Diocese of Arlington.” Effective September 8, 2022, the Tridentine Mass can no longer be offered in parish churches in Arlington. (There […]

Our Lady of Pueblito Against Pagan Idols

Above: the abandoned pagan pyramid of Kukulcán, in Yucatán, Mexico, photographed in 1860. Public domain. The year was 1632. Padre Nicolas de Zamora was heartsick. Disconsolate. He was the pastor of the parish of El Pueblito, a small hamlet 6 miles north of the city of Querataro in central Mexico. The city of Queretaro was […]

The “Latin Novus Ordo” Is Not the Solution

In the wake of Traditionis Custodes, some have made the good-faith suggestion that a “solution” for a future depleted of traditional Latin Masses is “doing the Novus Ordo in Latin.” This is an absolute non-starter for several reasons. First, the missals are notably different. All you have to do is compare them to see that […]

Disputed Questions on Papal Infallibility – Part 2

Editor’s note: on the genre and purpose of Quaestiones Disputatae, see our editor’s note on part 1. The opinions expressed herein are theses under dispute and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial board at OnePeterFive. Our thanks to the editor of Nova et Vetera for his kind permission to republish this important treatise.  For […]

Leftists Target Spain’s Relics and World Record, Public Cross

Above: a few young monks on their evening walk at the feet of the world’s largest cross. Photo credit Valle de los Caídos @hospederiavc. Editor’s note: as part of Hispanidad, our series on the glories of Spanish Christendom, we turn to this critical monument of 20th century Spanish history in the struggle for the Faith […]