Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Grillo on “Child Popes,” Mass Scandals, and Incurable Trads

Above: dramatic performance of H. C. Andersen’s “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” My article last week analyzed a revealing blog post from the influential Sant’Anselmo professor of liturgy Andrea Grillo, whose work was a major influence on Traditionis Custodes. In fact, he finds it difficult to restrain his enthusiasm for his brainchild, whom we may nickname […]

Liturgical Diversity and My First Ordinariate Mass

Growing up in the United Methodist Church I was blissfully unaware of liturgical debates and differences within Christianity. Our church was what I’d call “Middle Church”—we didn’t embrace all the liturgical riches of High Church Anglicanism, nor did we succumb to the antics of Low Church Evangelicalism. In other words, we were solidly Midwest Boring. […]

The Triumph and Peace of the Assumption

Above: The Assumption of Mary by Luca Giordano (1634-1705). “Today the Virgin Mary ascended to heaven; rejoice, for she reigns with Christ forever.” The Church will close her chants on this glorious day with this sweet antiphon which resumes the object of the feast and the spirit in which it should be celebrated. No other […]

Why and for what am I doing what I am doing?

My apologies for a rather briefer offering for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, although I have in my mind’s eye an image of you doing a fist pump while exclaiming, “yesssss”. This is in part a gesture of self-defense. In the Epistle reading, Paul tackles for the Corinthians the issue of idolatry. Idolatry is contrary […]

The Novus Ordo Weaponized for “Another Faith”?

Editor’s Note: Today we publish the final part of José A. Ureta’s critique of Desiderio Desideravi. For earlier parts, see Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4. The entire critique may be downloaded as a single PDF here. An Uncomfortable Question In the four aspects we have analyzed in the preceding parts—(1) the purpose […]

From Priests of Sacrifice to Presidents Over Assemblies

Editor’s Note: we continue with Part 4 of José A. Ureta’s five-part critique of Desiderio Desideravi. For earlier parts, see here: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3. The Unique Role of the Priest in the Mass In Mediator Dei, Pius XII explicitly teaches: “Only to the apostles, and thenceforth to those on whom their successors […]

Open Letter of Concerned German Catholics

Editor’s note: see our published interview on Maria 1.0 “The True Mary: German Catholic Women Fight Against Feminism.”   On Wednesday, August 3, we at Maria 1.0 addressed a letter directly to Bishop Georg Bätzing. We turned to him in great concern in his function as chairman of the German Conference of Bishops because many […]

From Sacrifice of Calvary to Memorial of Presence

Editor’s Note: We continue with part three of José A. Ureta’s five-part critique of Desiderio Desideravi. For Part 1, see here. For Part 2, see here. The Holy Mass as a True and Proper Sacrifice When dealing with the Eucharistic sacrifice, Mediator Dei reiterates the teaching of the Council of Trent that the Holy Mass […]

Pope’s Anti-TLM Theologian Shows His Pro-Contraception Cards

Pope Francis is fond of saying “everything is connected.” Traditionalists have been saying the same thing for the past six decades. We have long emphasized that those who transformed the Catholic liturgy on paper and in practice were also entertaining doctrinal novelties, oddities, and, at times, even heresies. Conversely, a radically changed liturgy has led […]

“Satan Must Reign in the Vatican. The Pope Will Be His Slave”

On the latest OnePeterFive podcast we discuss some of the roots of Masonic and Marxist infiltration, including the Masonic sacrilege which included these words above at St. Peter’s Basilica. We also reveal our third patron and share how we hope his crusading spirit will help lead our efforts here. T. S. Flanders Vigil of St. […]