Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Removing the Centrality of the Redemptive Passion

Editor’s Note: We continue with part two of José A. Ureta’s five-part critique of Desiderio Desideravi, which began with yesterday’s installment. The Paschal Mystery as the Center of the Celebration In the encyclical Mediator Dei, Pius XII underlines the centrality of the Passion in the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ and in our Redemption […]

Forgotten Customs of St. Lawrence

While St. Lawrence is one of the greatest deacons in the Church’s history, his feastday has over time fallen into obscurity and most average Catholics are unfamiliar with the customs and practices associated with his feastday. The Feast of St. Lawrence was of such importance it was a Holy Day of Obligation for a long […]

The Primacy of Adoration

Critique of Desiderio Desideravi, pt. 1 Editor’s Introduction: We begin the publication, in five successive articles, of an important study by José Antonio Ureta about the theological foundations on which the recent apostolic exhortation Desiderio Desideravi rests. The author argues that these foundations manifestly differ from those of Pius XII’s encyclical Mediator Dei to the […]

Disputed Questions on Papal Infallibility – Part 1

Editor’s note: the genre of Quaestiones Disputatae is traditionally devoted, among true theologians of the Church, for resolving unresolved theological propositions. Part of the problem today is that 1.) many of the faithful assume that the following disputed questions are already resolved and 2.) our faith is so weak as to disallow for the degrees […]

Is idolatry less serious now than back in Old Testament times?

Let us be swift.  In the Gospel reading for this 9th Sunday after Pentecost, we hear that the Lord was getting closer to Jerusalem.  What you should remember is that He was making His triumphal “Palm Sunday” entrance seated like a Davidic Priest King on the colt of an ass. The people, having heard about […]

First Friday Reminder: Join the Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation

I wholeheartedly support and bless this necessary and very important lay initiative for eucharistic revival in the Church of our day. -Bishop Athanasius Schneider This crusade was called by His Excellency, Bishop Athanasius Schneider in June of 2020 in response to the profanations of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament during the COVID crisis. Now […]

The Welcome Demise of Enforced Optimism

The meltdown of the Church in the West since the Second Vatican Council doubtless has many and complex causes, but I am convinced that the foremost cause of it is the fact that churchmen[1] have betrayed much of Catholic Tradition and legislation, and have merited divine punishment as a result—let us call it a period […]

“Superiors are Not to be Obeyed in All Things”

Editor’s note: as we enter into year two of Traditionis Custodes, we direct readers to the traditional Catholic doctrine of conscience and this Thomistic treatise on obedience by our contributing editor, Peter A. Kwasniewski. We will prioritise submissions which reflect on this important treatise for our times. Send a submission here: editor [at] This […]

Trad Response to Apparent Papal Paganism

Above: Pope Francis and Indian chief in Canada. For the video of the alleged papal paganism click here. In this “very live” podcast we discussed some of the basic traditional principles of charity, piety, judgment and scandal with regard to the latest “Assisi-Pachamama” type controversy from His Holiness. Here I raise the example of the […]

A Psychological Approach to Understanding Sedevacantism

Sedevacantism: from Latin sedes, “seat, bench, throne,” and the verb vacare, “to be empty.” As a legal term denoting a temporary episcopal vacancy, sede vacante is unimpeachable. My objections begin with the addition of the notoriously modern suffix “-ism,” with all its implications of continuance and ideological coherence. Human societies, from the most primitive tribes […]