Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

When life gives you manure, maybe it’s time for changes

With this 7th Sunday after Pentecost in the Vetus Ordo Holy Church began a series of contrasts.  She shows us the difference between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world, between the divine and the mundane. Context is called for.  The Gospel passage in Matthew 7 is at the end of the […]

Washington Bishop Ignores Biden, Targets TLM “Following the Holy Father”

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee, and especially for the enemies of Holy Church. Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, patroness of these United States, pray for us. Above: the side altar at St. Mary, Mother of God, one of the targeted sites of the ancient Roman Rite […]

German Schismatic Way Responds to the Holy See “With Irritation”

As we reported yesterday, a welcome rebuke of the German Schismatic Way was released from the Holy See, making clear that schismatics and heretics “find themselves separated from the entire ecclesial body, they weaken, rot and die” (quoting His Holiness). In response, the German lay organisation Zdk issued a statement the same day. First, it […]

The Legal Positivism of the Pro-Life Movement

St. Thomas Aquinas states in his Summa that there are four integral parts of any law. These are 1) accordance with reason, 2) benefit to the objective common good, and 3) promulgation 4) by a rightful authority who has legitimate care for the community in question. Without any one of these parts, a “law” is […]

Good News from the Vatican? Holy See Rebukes German Schismatic Way

As we have analysed at OnePeterFive, the Synod on Synodality has all the markings of the “dream” of Cardinal Martini and the St. Gallen Mafia. If this true of the latest synod-in-the-works, it holds true a fortiori of the German “Synodal Way,” which has openly supported heresy, provoking a rebuke from over 100 worldwide bishops, […]

Solzhenitsyn on NATO, Ukraine, & Putin

Above: Solzhenitsyn with Heinrich Böll in Langenbroich, West Germany, 1974. Editor’s note: OnePeterFive welcomes submissions with various perspectives on the Ukraine Crisis and Fatima. These views may not reflect the opinions of the editorial board. Men will not accept truth at the hands of their enemies, and truth is seldom offered to them by their […]

Hyperpapalism and the Body Politic

We are at very curious time in ecclesiastical history. On the one hand, the shaky ecclesiology of the Orthodox Churches, already shaken further when Constantinople and Moscow excommunicated each other over the status of Ukrainian Orthodoxy, has received another blow when the section of the latter body that had given its allegiance to Moscow broke […]

A Restoration of Hope

Above: Immaculate Conception Church postcard, c. 1910. Quietly, around the world, the Catholic faithful who believe in restoring and preserving the sacred traditions of the Catholic Church are finding each other and, with the leadership of their pastors, are helping rebuild and restore hope. We see this evidenced in a resurgence in traditional Catholic publishing, […]

Fr Bryan Houghton’s Crisis of Faith and the Joy of “Humanae Vitae”

In early August of 1968, a stylish and brilliant convert from Anglicanism, and at this time a pastor of a flourishing parish in Suffolk, was driving his “fast and comfortable Jaguar” from Bury St Edmunds to London. He took a friend, Edgar Hardwick, parish priest of Coldham, with him. When he pulled up to his […]

The Other World We Live In

OnePeterFive is pleased to present an excerpt from Fr. Scott Randall Paine’s book The Other World We Live In: A Catholic Vision of Angelic Reality, appropriately published by Angelico Press. Speaking as one who has a deep interest in the angels and has taught St. Thomas Aquinas’s doctrine on them—see, for example, my 1P5 article […]