Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Former SSPX Superior Pleads Guilty to Sex Abuse

Warning: this post contains discussion about revolting sins against the sixth commandment. Ugly news broke last week from our friends at The Remnant, that Arnaud Rostand, former U.S. District Superior (2008 through 2014) for SSPX has pled guilty to sexually abusing seven “young boys.” It appears that the disgraced priest attempted to blame the SSPX […]

Defending Monarchy in an American Election Year

Above: the Nine Sovereigns at Windsor for the funeral of King Edward VII in 1910. Standing, from left to right: King Haakon VII of Norway, Tsar Ferdinand of Bulgaria, King Manuel II of Portugal, Kaiser Wilhelm II of the German Empire, King George I of Greece and King Albert I of Belgium. Seated, from left […]

Diebus Saltem Dominicis: 2nd Sunday after Easter – In the know

Traditionally, the 2nd Sunday after Easter is called “Good Shepherd Sunday” due to the reading from the Gospel of John 10:11-16. In the Novus Ordo this Gospel is now read on the 4th Sunday of Easter. It is hard to exaggerate the influence of the image of Christ as the Good Shepherd on the minds […]

A Successor for the St. Gallen Mafia?

Above: Cardinal Martini, architect of the St. Gallen Mafia. On April 8, 2024, Cardinal Victor Manuel “Tucho” Fernández sat for a press conference about his new document Dignitas Infinita. He was the recently-appointed head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (D.D.F.)—entrusted by the pope with changing the office’s reputation for policing orthodoxy. […]

Is Pope Francis Pumping the Brakes?

So the promised Easter document on human dignity has been released. By Catholic standards the document is quite problematic. However, by the standard of this pontificate, it is not as bad as it could have been. In any event, the document may indicate that Francis is pumping the brakes, which would be good news. But […]

Dignitas Infinita: Lowering the Bar

In my study of the current crisis in the Church, I have learned that it can all be summed up by one core problem: a collective lowering of the bar. Every parent, teacher, coach, manager, supervisor, or babysitter knows that children are overachievers. They will do anything they can to meet your expectations, no matter […]

Dignitas Infinita: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Above: the ugly “progress of human dignity” on display in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro. Yesterday I discussed some of the important aspects which contextualise the new document on the “infinite dignity” of the human person (Dignitas Infinita). Without claiming to be an exhaustive analysis, we intend here to present the some of […]

Clericalist Iconoclasm Strikes Again

Just in time for your Annunciation Observed meditation, His Holiness and His Eminence have released a new document, “Dignitas Infinita.” In its press release, Tucho “Heal me with your Mouth” Fernández is already taking shots at the laity from his castle atop the clericalist iconoclast regime of Francis. Before we even begin to digest and […]

Diebus Saltem Dominicis: Octave of Easter – Forearmed is forewarned

“Happy Easter”, we still say 7-day week afterward because, liturgically speaking, it has still been Easter Sunday during this Octave. A liturgical Octave is an eight-day arc that vibrates in anticipation of the “eighth day” of eternal rest beyond the 7-day cycle of creation. We stop the liturgical clock so that we can rest in […]

Beethoven’s Last Mass

Above: the grave of Ludwig van Beethoven at Vienna Central Cemetery. One of his final works was his Missa Solemnis. Two hundred years ago, on April 6, 1824, was performed for the first time in St. Petersburg the Missa Solemnis in D major for four solo voices, chorus, and orchestra, Op. 123 by Ludwig van […]