Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

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The medieval period was an era of rich and accelerating reflection about the Eucharist.    One of the benchmarks of this increasing devotion to the Eucharist was the establishment of the Feast of Corpus Christ by Urban IV in the last year of his life, 1264, especially for the Roman Curia and then its extension to […]

The Saga of the Catholic Fighting Man Continues

A blessed Octave of Corpus Christi! Since the leaked draft opinion in the Dobbs Case, lots of people are talking about abortion, and Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is taking a lot of direct hits from people who are angry at we who love Him. The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) final decision on abortion may […]

Forgotten Customs of Corpus Christi

Above: Corpus Christi 2021 at St. Mary’s Conshohocken, FSSP. Photo by Allison Girone. Editor’s note: this octave, consider joining the crusade of Eucharistic reparation. A great solemnity has this day risen upon our earth: a feast both to God and to men: for it is the feast of Christ the Mediator, who is present in […]

Rebuilding Christendom: the Home Economy

Localism: the Old World Order I spend every day wishing for the Old World Order (c. 1200s A.D.). Something (secular) I recently read used the phrase “technocratic hellscape” to refer to our current economy in the United States. How accurately put: our intertwined economic and social systems, destroying minds, hearts and souls as well as creation’s ecosystems and men’s […]

The Post-Vatican II Collapse of Theology

Above: the celebrated heretic, Hans Küng (1928-2021). One can only hope and pray that the celebrations for him have not continued for eternity in the fires of hell. Requiescat in pace. Ave Maria. In our last essay we discussed some of the trends of decline in theology before Vatican II. These were the aspects that produced […]

From Gnosticism to Marxism: The Spirit of Antichrist in Movement

In part one we defined Gnosticism. Part two demonstrated how the Big Bang Theory corresponds to general Occultism. Now we will show how modern evolutionary theory connects to each system. THE DRAGONS OF EDEN: EVOLUTION IN GENESIS? H.P. Blavatsky believed that, allegorically, “the whole Darwinian theory of natural selection is included in the first six […]

Martyr for the Freedom of the Catholic Press

“We will not do it!” declared Carmelite priest Fr. Titus Brandsma, the spiritual director of the Catholic press during Nazi-occupied Holland. “Our limit has been reached! We cannot serve them!” He was reacting to the latest Nazi edict insisting that Catholic newspapers publish Nazi propaganda. This was not the first time that Fr. Brandsma had […]

A Spiritual Manual of Christian Militancy

A concise and profound manual of spiritual life, without rhetoric and without compromise: an antidote to modern, nebulous and sentimental pseudo-spirituality. This is Lived Christianity, the magnificent text by Dom François de Sales Pollien, just published by Calx Mariae Publishing in the first English edition (London: 2022). Joseph Pollien was born on 1 August 1853 […]

New Trad Film Tells the Story

Since my conversion to Catholicism years ago, I had been told the New Mass was created by the Second Vatican Council. Many times, a friend had to remind me that “the Novus Ordo was not created by the Council.” At the time, I thought that whatever infallibility means when you parse it out, it surely […]