Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Holy Spirit and the Garden of Our Souls

The season of summer is often seen as the best of the four seasons for people of the Northern hemisphere. This time of the year also coincides with one of the greatest feasts of the Church, notably Pentecost. The Church has tied the two events together through the Pentecost Ember Days, which is ordered towards […]

The Pre-Vatican II Decline of Theology

If we want to address the problem of hyperüberultramontanism, we are going to need to talk about a decline in theology that occurred before Vatican II. We need to understand the roots of these issues and how they developed in our history of Catholicism in modernity. To do that, we have to cover some basics […]

Rethinking the Papacy

I have an image from a particular event playing in my mind. The event takes place in a large entertainment auditorium. The auditorium is modern par excellence, meaning it’s as ugly as sin. The ceiling is comprised of funky clam-shaped lighting. The walls look like an alien exploded onto two large panels of stained glass. […]

Will Pope Francis Resign?

Above: Pope Francis on May 14, 2022. Editor’s note: we ask our readers to pray for our Holy Father and his health. It is the duty of every Catholic to love and pray for the Roman Pontiff. Let us continue the pious custom of including Pope Francis in every Rosary every day.  On Sunday, while […]

When the Marriage is Over and All is Lost

Read the last chapter before this one Table of Contents Start reading from chapter 1 Epilogue Attn: Blockleiter Tribunal for the Discipline of Delinquent Devils 6662 Undying Worm The Pit   At the request of the Administration in the ongoing case of the devil called Malthus, I will present in the following report all the […]

Forgotten Customs of the Octave of Pentecost

The Forgotten, Yet Ancient Vigil of Pentecost The Feast of Pentecost (i.e., White Sunday) is one of the principal feasts in the life of the Church. After Pentecost Sunday and its Octave, we will conclude Pascaltide and begin the Season after Pentecost. Consequently, the Vigil of Pentecost has been a day of required fasting and […]

Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost is perhaps the richest of all the liturgical Feasts of the Holy Roman Catholic Church… in the Vetus Ordo, at least.   In the Church’s Vetus Ordo, like Easter, Pentecost has a Saturday Vigil with the blessing of baptismal water and an Octave, during which we sing the stunning Sequence Veni Sancte Spiritus, and the […]

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Ultramontanism and the False Spirit of Vatican I

When we released our editorial stance last year we identified one error above others which seems to be at the root of our current crisis: the false spirit of Vatican I. This false spirit – meaning a false interpretation of said council – goes by many names: hyperpapalism, neo-ultramontanism, extreme ultramontanism or my personal favourite, […]

Is the SSPX Schismatic? My Debate with Jeff Cassman

Editor’s note: in view of our editorial stance to unite the clans, we continue the SSPX debate series with a review of the recent debate by Mr. Bartel. This will be followed by a response by Mr. Cassman and another contribution to the general debate. As we noted in our update concerning the assertions of […]

Dictator Pope Regime Strikes Again: Alcuin Reid’s Bishop Targeted

As we reported last week, Alcuin Reid recently made the difficult decision to disobey his own bishop in order to obey God in conscience. As I argued in that post, it is our Christian duty to give Dom Alcuin Reid – and his bishop – the judgment of charity. Some readers may not be too […]