Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Trad Film Response to Pope Francis, Traditionis Custodes

Happy Ascension Day! When we look at our liturgical texts (from last Sunday to the Vigil to today), we see that this is the glorious ascending of His throne. This is the moment when the Father seats His Son, the Anointed King over souls and society, at His Right Hand in glory. Thus it is a great […]

Pelosi Defies Communion Ban: Catholic ACTION RESPONSE

Editor’s note: as we have covered recently, we call on all Catholics, citizens of these United States or elsewhere, to join us in this Fatima action against child murder. This is the latest in our call to arms for all Catholics. Please join this effort below and/or click this link for other action items to […]

Your Donation to 1P5 is Now Matched!

I just took a look at our fundraising results for this month’s campaign and I realized that we are only a week away from the end of May. We still have 65% to go to meet our fundraising goal. I understand that 2022 is tough. With inflation and gas prices sky high, and the Marxists […]

Cordileone: Separating the USCCB Men from the Boys

“Were you there when they crucified my Lord?” Probably not. You might not even remember when it happened. Please indulge me as I refresh your memory. The Backstory On Wednesday, November 17th, 2021, the USCCB was holding its Fall General Assembly at the Marriott Baltimore Waterfront hotel. There were quite a few items on the […]

A Moment of Christendom: 16+ Bishops Stand to Excommunicate Child Murder

At long last, a man of God has broken from the cowardly bishops of the United States to defend children from the unborn holocaust and save a soul from the fires of hell. He has done so by means of the true and traditional medicine of mercy. And fifteen bishops, so far, have stood with […]

How to Destroy a Marriage

Read the last chapter before this one Table of Contents Start reading from chapter 1 Chapter 20   You wretched imp.   If what you tell me is true, then we may lose the mother. I cannot stand this young man, this adolescent nemesis who acts nothing like his peers! Why can he not just […]

Repressing Religious Capital

Baylor University sociologist Rodney Stark has written numerous books on religion and particularly on the rise of Christianity. One of his interesting discoveries had to do with conversions; he found that a person’s attachment to the cultural aspects of their religion, specifically its unique rites and doctrines, corresponds to the likelihood that they will remain […]

Plain speaking

For this 5th Sunday after Easter we are still moving through John 16 and the Lord’s Last Supper Discourse as well as the Letter of James. Our Gospel readings are inexhaustible and there are always manifold treasures to unlock.  At the same time and for the sake of brevity, we will entrust ourselves to the […]

The Art of Dress: Two Schools of Thought

When it comes to the art of dress, there exist two schools of thought among devout Catholics. One school expounds modesty as the highest aim; the other, normalcy. Unfortunately, both completely miss the mark. While the School of Modesty teaches important lessons on safeguarding chastity, it falls short of attaining artistic success because it hardly […]

We Have a Heroic Priest Living in Our Home

My family is blessed to have a heroic priest living in our home. How this came to be I will get to later. But for now, I will describe what it is like. It is overwhelming. It is unsettling. It is appalling. It is heavenly. This priest will spend a typical morning as such: He […]