Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Anthem of Holy Defiance

A member of a traditionalist religious congregation that has enjoyed good canonical standing with Rome for a long time sent me an adaptation of the great hymn “Jerusalem” (words by William Blake, set to music by C. Hubert H. Parry), with a commentary, and the prefatory remark: “This Anthem of Holy Defiance is my response […]

NYPD Cop Against American Marxism: No Justice, No Peace

One would be well within his rights to wonder why a cop would ever use in his title a phrase more commonly associated with the Marxist group of criminals known as “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) to make a point, so allow me to explain. I readily admit the truth of the principle: St. Thomas teaches […]

Hope for Priests in the Desert

It is astounding to realize the Coalition for Canceled Priests (CFCP) is about to celebrate our one-year anniversary. So much has been accomplished in such a short period of time. The outpouring of support shown by the laity for canceled priests has been tremendous and, as a canceled priest myself out in the wilderness for […]

We Are 89% Short of Our Fundraising Goal!

I couldn’t be more grateful for the 157 people who donated to OnePeterFive these past two weeks. I pray that Our Lord blesses you abundantly for your generosity. I’m also grateful to all those who were unable to donate, but assured us of their prayers. The work we do here is not without its challenges […]

Get to work.

Our context for the 4th Sunday after Easter is, in the liturgical year, our preparation for the Ascension of the Lord.  Sometimes the Feast of the Ascension Thursday is given short shrift, which is unfortunate.  One could argue that transferring Ascension from Thursday to Sunday was intended to emphasize the feast by making it more […]

The Devils and the Novus Ordo

Read the last chapter before this one Table of Contents Start reading from chapter 1 Chapter 19 Malthus my boy,   I cannot blame you for this specific issue that we now face, although your periodic bungling up until this point has made this more likely. I debated as to whether this was the moment […]

The Pious Mind of a Sacred Musician

450 years ago, on May 13, 1572, after a conclave lasted less than a day, a man, to whom we owe our calendar and the scrupulous implementation of the decrees of the Council of Trent (1545-1563), was unanimously elected to the Chair of Peter: Gregory XIII, whose original name was Ugo Boncompagni. There’s so much […]

Fatima against Abortion: ACTION PLAN

Above: the Russian Greek Catholic icon of Our Lady of Fatima. The situation now strongly suggests that Marxists leaked the US Supreme Court decision in order to put mob pressure on the court and attempt to codify child murder before the high court strikes it down. Or, doesn’t strike it down, but attempts to “heed […]

The Abortion of the Catholic Tradition

The fallen angels have shown us what they fear most.    A little over a week ago, the Supreme Court of the United States experienced an unprecedented leak. In a most sinister manner, a document drafted by Justice Samuel Alito was sent out as a forewarning to the far left that the Supreme Court was […]

Obedience, Disobedience, and Rash Obedience: a Virtue in a time of Crisis

There has long been a strange asymmetry between conservatives and progressives in the Catholic Church. Theological conservatives—priests and bishops as well as lay people—have prided themselves on their obedience, and progressives have flaunted their disobedience. To give the most extreme examples, progressive bishops would make their chums laugh by talking about how they had tossed […]