Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Homeschooling Father

In many police departments across the country, the four-to-midnight shift is known colloquially as the “four-to-four.” Get it? You work the first eight and then imbibe until the wee hours of the morning at your (quite often divey) establishment of choice. This was a schedule I kept up for a good portion of my twenties […]

Newly Ordained Priests and Permission to Offer the Traditional Latin Mass

Every spring, the Church rejoices not only in the victory of Easter and the glories of Mary in her month of May, but also in the ordination of new priests around the world. This year, however, there is a black lining on the silver cloud. We are entering the first ordination season after Francis’s motu […]

Russia and the United States: Same Error

Above: the Latin Rite Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Moscow. Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is also the Patroness of the United States.  The horrific conflict occurring in Ukraine has been at the forefront of our consciousness in recent days. And one aspect of the tragedy that stands out from a religious perspective is the […]

Abortion and the Exclusion of Reality

Inside Higher Ed claims to “have the largest online audience in higher ed… 3.67 million monthly readers.” Before the most recent Life news in the United States, it published an opinion piece, Texas Abortion Law Threatens Academic Freedom (October 8, 2021), by Andrew Joseph Pegoda who “teaches women’s, gender and sexuality studies; religious studies; and […]

If You Enjoy OnePeterFive, Please Support Our Work

A comment I received along with a donation said — “Thank you for your efforts in providing an uplifting but nevertheless demandingly truthful source of traditional Catholic media.” Being positive while exposing the ugly truth is difficult line to walk, but it’s an imperative one. We cannot allow the evil to consume us, but neither […]

We Don’t Belong Here

There is a Latin adage: motus in fine velocior, sometimes expressed as in fine citius. Things go faster the closer they get to the end. This is an overarching context for our days. For this 3rd Sunday after Easter we begin once again in an orderly way and check on our contexts. In our liturgical […]

We Prefer a Mass of Lukewarm Christians

Read the last chapter before this one Table of Contents Start reading from chapter 1 Chapter 18    Malthus my boy,   I do hope you learned something from the master class you witnessed not only in spirit, but also had so eloquently explained to you. If there is a skill I possess that is […]

The True Mary: German Catholic Women Fight Against Feminism

Interview with Larissa Porzelt, from Germany, who is a student of theology at Hochschule Heiligenkreuz in Austria.   Note: “Maria” is the German name for Mary. You are involved in Maria 1.0. But first, what is Maria 2.0? Maria 2.0 is an initiative, that was founded in 2019. This initiative aimed for a strike and […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Another Englishman Joins the Editorial Board of OnePeterFive

Since the publication of our new editorial stance last year, we have attempted to contextualize the modern movement of Traditionalism within the Catholic Counter-Revolutionary movement of 19th century Europe. In one sense “Trads” of today are simply ordinary Catholics as they lived the faith in the “modern period” since 1773.[1] The Catholic counter-revolutionaries in Europe, […]

Talismanic Words and the Anti-Church Agenda

NB: For those seeking reliable catechisms, the Tradivox series is recommended. Introduction In the previous two installments, we offered some background and textual analysis of the Vatican’s new Directory for Catechesis (DC), showing its problematic novelty in both form and content. Part I showed its disproportionate indebtedness to the “postconciliar paradigm” (and Pope Francis above all), while Part II further illustrated […]