Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Music of St. Pius V

450 years ago, on May 1, 1572, the great Pope of the Catholic Reform promoted by the Council of Trent, the “Pope of the Rosary”, glorious in crushing the enemies of the Church – external, like the Ottoman Turks, and internal, such as the followers of Luther and Calvin or as the exponents of the […]

Why Ecclesia Dei Communities Should Avoid Concelebrating the Chrism Mass

In the news cycle recently there has been much coverage of Pope Francis’s statement to a group of French bishops that all priests in a diocese, regardless of affiliation, should be present to concelebrate the Chrism Mass with their bishop each year (see this article). As a result, the ever-simmering question of concelebration has once […]

ACTION ITEM: Join the Novena to Overturn Roe v. Wade

News out of the United States has sent fear into the hearts of Marxists across the globe. According to the first report from Politico, a draft majority opinion from the US Supreme Court overturns that nefarious decree of child murder, Roe v. Wade, from 1973. The opinion states “It is time to heed the Constitution […]

La tradition, c’est moi

When Pope Francis issued a motu proprio called Traditionis Custodes on 16 July 2021, an edict severely restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass, it marked the culmination of the growing official hostility towards the Apostolic Roman Rite (hitherto referred to as the ‘extraordinary form’ of the liturgy). This term, which had been invented by Francis’ predecessor, Benedict […]

Forgotten Customs of May, Month of Mary

May Mary adorn your soul with the flowers and the fragrance of ever new virtues and place her maternal hand on your head. Always stay close to this heavenly Mother, because she is the sea to be crossed to reach the shores of eternal splendors in the Kingdom of dawn (St. Padre Pio). Catholic Monthly […]

Every Crusade Fails Without This: Will You Help?

Dear OnePeterFive donors, readers and supporters,   As we have described in our new editorial stance, we aim to help the Traditional movement by promoting and imitating the crusading spirit of forefathers in the movement. The heart and soul of our crusade – and the crusade of our fathers – is the Crusade of Eucharistic […]

The Female Vexation Department

Read the last chapter before this one Table of Contents Start reading from chapter 1 Chapter 17   Malthus my boy,   I know what you are thinking, will you ever reach the level of excellence I displayed during my recent visit? It is unlikely, given that you are a fool. However, you no doubt […]

Good Shepherding from Augustine to Catherine of Siena

Above painting: St Catherine before the Pope at Avignon by Giovanni di Paolo (1403–1482), Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid. In chapter thirteen of his Gospel, St. Matthew recounts a famous parable of the Lord: The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men were sleeping, his enemy […]

St. Joseph Against the Communists

This year the 1 May observance of the 2nd Sunday after Easter gives way in honor of St. Joseph, whom we venerate among his other many roles and titles as a patron of laborers and as the “Worker.” In contrast to what we see now in the Church, to create counterplay against the rise of […]