Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Jesus Crucified Prays for His Enemies

Our Divine Lord, hanging on the Cross in the sight of the assembled multitudes, insulted, scorned, and blasphemed by His enemies, turns to His Eternal Father, and beseeches Him to forgive them, for they know not what they do. Consider — 1. The charity with which Jesus prays. After a prolonged period of silence, our […]

The Necessity of Imitating Jesus Crucified

Painting: Christ Crucified (1632) by Diego Velázquez. Pauline mortification part one, part two/three. A fourth reason obliging us to mortification or abnegation is the necessity of imitating Jesus crucified. He Himself tells us: “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily” (Lk. 9:23). St. Paul adds: For […]

The Evil Images of Demonic Pornography

Read the last chapter before this one Table of Contents Start reading from chapter 1 Chapter 15   Malthus my boy,   I just received your message, and I thought it wise to send you a quick note. My mouth has not watered this excessively in quite a while. You see, a fish rots from […]

1204: the Crusader Sack of Constantinople

Above: woodcut of Constantinople by Giovanni Andreas Vavassore, circa 1535. Editor’s note: see part 1 in this series: “Eastern Orthodoxy and the Pathology Against Charity.”   The Fourth Crusade is perhaps the greatest wound of blood between Catholics and Eastern Orthodox. In the year 1204 crusaders came and sacked Constantinople, the greatest Eastern Orthodox city […]

Eastern Orthodoxy and the Pathology Against Charity

I was in the car with my friend on the way to Vespers at the Russian Orthodox church. I remember it vividly for some reason; driving down the streets of the old Slavic immigrant neighborhood on the westside of my city (which encompasses also the Ukrainian Catholic parish and the Polish Catholic parish). This would […]

The Consecration of Russia: Too Little, Too Late

Photo: consecration of Russia by Pope Francis, March 25, 2022. By Diane Montagna.  Perhaps this will be seen as one of those negative Traditional Catholic spiels. Perhaps I am a pessimist at heart. For everyone it seems is on board with the conversion prayer for Russia, including the SSPX. Perhaps however I am only a […]

Liberal Catholics Who Lamented Vatican II Destruction

Photo: Gary Wills in 2015.  Recently, I have been reading books and periodicals dealing with the post-Vatican II era in the Catholic Church. Of course, we in the year 2022 are also a part of this post-conciliar era, and there is no shortage of literature discussing the Second Vatican Council some fifty, sixty years later. […]

His Passion and His Victory

Ever since we set out on our spiritual journey on pre-Lent Septuagesima Sunday, step by step we have approached Holy Week. While a measure of weariness might distress us as we slog along the paths of penance and discipline, of self-denial and self-examination, our hearts rise because we draw nearer to the goal of victory […]

Don’t Forgive Your Spouse and Surrender to Contempt

Read the last chapter before this one Table of Contents Start reading from chapter 1 Chapter 14 Malthus my boy,   It is welcome news you tell me that the parental divide has ossified into a standoff with practically no verbal exchanges for long periods of time. As tempting as it is to facilitate magnificent […]

We Know that God is on Our Side in This Fight

It’s hard to believe it’s been over three months. Three months of praying. Three months of pondering. Three months of pleading with Cardinal Cupich to give us back full access to the Latin Mass. In February, when the Cardinal’s ban of the Traditional Latin Mass on first Sundays and some Holy Days went into effect, […]