Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Removal of Tabernacles and the Desacrificialization of the Mass

Photo: Saint-François de Molitor, Paris, France.   Why was the tabernacle removed from the high altar or kept away from the center of so many churches during the past fifty years? There are many reasons one could give for this decentering of our Lord Jesus Christ in the miracle of His abiding Eucharistic Presence among us, […]

The SSPX and Triduum in Rome

After the enemies of Trent and the Tridentine Mass – Andrea Grillo and other unknown forces – caused the Holy Father to abrogate himself on the Latin Mass with Traditionis Custodes, the Cardinal Vicar of Rome confirmed in October of 2021 that the Triduum would not be allowed in the city of Rome according to […]

Integralism: a European Perspective

Photo: the sacralised baroque cityscape of Salzburg, Austria. I was recently ensconced in one of the last all-male environments permitted in contemporary society – a barbershop – and, as I had my haircut, the free-wheeling conversation inexorably turned to the current COVID episode and from there to the wider Western crisis. After my barber voiced […]

Where Integralism Falls Short

A grand debate is raging inside the Catholic world over the role of the political order in a Christian society. Many have seen the secular world’s failure to address the needs of the soul and thus reject liberalism’s artificial separation of the political and spiritual spheres. One proposed philosophy is called Integralism. It comes from […]

Masonic Conspiracy, Lefebvre, and the Murder of John Paul I

Fr. Charles Murr is one of the last living witnesses to Vatican corruption who is both orthodox and courageous. We have many clerics out there – dare I opine “many”! – who are orthodox, but do not have the courage – or perhaps the opportunity? – to speak the truth come what may. Today, we […]

The Consecration of Russia Was Valid

Editor’s note: as with our SSPX Debate, we will consider submissions on this topic from multiple perspectives within the Traditionalist view point, according to our editorial stance.   Now, before I begin another polemic wherein I potentially alienate a certain segment of my readers, please let me affirm one thing of the utmost importance: I […]

The Consecration of Russia Was Invalid

False hopes are more dangerous than fears. – J. R. R. Tolkien As tensions escalate between Russia and the United States over war in Ukraine, heated opinion among traditional Catholics is split fairly evenly on whether the latest Fatima Consecration finally fulfilled the request proclaimed by Our Lady in 1917, and again in 1929. The […]

Seeds of Death and the Infinite Loftiness of the Eternal Goal

Read the first part of Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange’s reflections on Pauline mortification.   The Consequences of Our Personal Sins A second motive that renders mortification necessary is found in the consequences of our personal sins. St. Paul insists on this point in the Epistle to the Galatians, by noting especially the effects of sins against charity: […]

James Martin Does Teach Heresy: A Response to Trent Horn

Recently, I listened to a podcast from last summer by my friend and colleague, Trent Horn, titled, “Exposing Fr. Martin’s Slippery Tactics.” As usual, Trent was lucid, compelling, and impeccably intellectually honest and fair. Decrying those who assume the motives, intentions, and “real” beliefs of Fr. Martin, Trent asks a rhetorical question and issues a […]

The Holy Crusade of the High Priest

From the pre-Lent, “Gesima” Sundays onward, Holy Mother Church began her plunge into liturgical death. At first we lost the “Alleluia,” the Gloria, and on Sundays we dressed in penitential violet to herald the proximity of Lent. With Lent, these privations applied every day, with the exception of our great feasts. Moreover, we became stiller […]