Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Demons, COVID, and Marital Strife

Read the last chapter before this one Table of Contents Start reading from chapter 1 Chapter 13 Malthus my boy,   The quarrel you have described that took place between the couple has been perhaps the most encouraging thing I have read in quite a while. It was a veritable explosion, which I might add, […]

Third Monthly Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass in Chicago

Please join us for the third monthly Rosary Rally outside of Holy Name Cathedral on Sunday, April 3rd from 11AM – Noon. This third Rosary rally will be important: in addition to banning the Latin Mass on the first Sunday of the month, Cardinal Cupich has also banned the ancient rite during the Sacred Triduum […]

Our Holy Emperor in Heaven

A few weeks ago in an article about the appeal for Russian Consecration, I announced that OnePeterFive had taken Bl. Emperor Karl as one of its heavenly patrons. This was occasioned by the sad reality of the war in Ukraine, part of which was under Blessed Karl’s dominions at the start of the Great War […]

The Consecration of Russia: What Now? Two Facts and Liturgical Providence

On January 14th of this year, we reported that “Catholic Fighting Men in America Launch Crusade Against Communism.” This was a 54-day Rosary crusade beginning on January 31st and ending on March 25th, the Feast of the Annunciation. Pope Francis then, having consecrated his whole pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima on March 13th, 2013, […]

Freemasonry and Black Americans: the Prince Hall Sect

(Above): Illustration from a Prince Hall Masonic convention in 1920. Freemasonry as Method of Subterfuge Among Black Americans In 2003, I wrote what had soon become a groundbreaking book on the history of Prince Hall Freemasonry (the predominately Black sect of Freemasonry in America), entitled, Inside Prince Hall, in which included a chapter entitled, ‘The […]

Catholic New York

Photo: St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City. Erected 1878. I was in my early twenties. I do not recall the day or the year, only that I must have been somewhere between 22 and 24 years old, likely on the younger end of the age range. I was in my undergraduate years, studying history at […]

The Miracle of Our Lady of the Thunderbolt

August 13, 1807, was a night to remember in the Dominican convent of Jesus Maria in Guadalajara, the second largest city in Mexico. The  church of Jesus Maria is a five minute walk from the mammoth Guadalajara Cathedral and the zocalo (the central plaza of the city). Guadalajara is in the western part of the country in […]

A Novel Approach to Internet Addiction

As a society we are losing our will to live. Perhaps we do not even know how to live anymore. Rather, we abandon ourselves to an insatiable pursuit of comfort. And then, to compound our madness, we burden our youth with this inane existence. I will illustrate with an all too familiar, all too tiresome, […]

The Man of God Against the Iconoclasts

Illuminated manuscript (above): depiction of the Second Council of Nicaea from the Menologion of Basil II His teaching thus finds its place in the tradition of the universal Church, whose sacramental doctrine foresees that material elements taken from nature can become vehicles of grace by virtue of the invocation (epiclesis) of the Holy Spirit, accompanied by […]

The True Miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves

It is a fact of human nature that if our senses are constantly bombarded with the same thing, say for example, music that is too loud or an environment that is all the same color, or even violent or wicked images, we become numbed and even start to tune out, shut down. Too much of […]