Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Did Pope Francis Just Vindicate the FSSP, or Wash His Hands like Pontius Pilate?

In 1988, Archbishop Lefebvre told his followers that he was forced to disobey Rome and consecrate bishops. The agreement he had signed (which promised fidelity to the Roman Pontiff and confessed the validity of the Novus Ordo and all its Sacraments) would give him a personal prelature and episcopal power to continue the ancient Roman […]

Fasting is a Virtue

Fasting is a Virtue which is Necessary for Holiness Among the many things from our fathers which are necessary for the restoration of Tradition, there are few things which are more neglected yet also more necessary than bodily fasting. Even among faithful Catholics who strive with zeal for the restoration of the Holy Mass and […]

Chapter 7

Read the last chapter before this one Start reading from chapter 1 *** Malthus my boy,   Why did you not tell me that the daughter had experienced her own little conversion of sorts? Did you think you could hide it from me, or are you just incompetent? I will give you the benefit of […]

Viganò, Vatican II and the Catholic Liturgy

In his open message to priests, dated January 2, 2022, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò begins with the admission that he had served the “Holy Apostolic Mass” as a youth; that it was the Mass of his ordination in March, 1968; and that it soon became a distant memory. He admits that he had been away […]

The Cost of Being a Christian and the Vice of Curiosity

In union with the catechumens preparing for baptism in the early Church of Rome, we stroll from the heart of the City under the long covered walkway that stretched from the great walls to the Ostian Basilica, the Roman Station church for Sexagesima Sunday, St. Paul’s outside-the-walls. Last week we went to St. Lawrence outside-the-walls, […]

Gnosticism and Modern Science

Author’s note: Our purpose here is not to make any definitive statements about the various allowable Catholic interpretations of creation, but rather to show there are some ‘red flags’ to consider when one chooses to go the Big Bang and evolutionary route––something endorsed by Pope Francis. For a brief but balanced view I suggest listening […]

Gnosticism: the Original ‘Woke’ Culture

Today we begin a multi-part series on Gnosticism. It will gradually show how this ancient movement is very much alive today, albeit clothed in different types of garments, most notably in those of ‘science.’ It’s also worth mentioning that every modern Occult movement or figure we’ve mentioned thus far––esoteric Freemasonry, Theosophy, Jungian psychology, Crowleyite magic, […]

A Dialogue on Liberty

The STRANGER, having disembarked from his ship, enters the city. There, he happens upon the CITIZEN, who is leaving the market. C: Hello, stranger. I see you’re coming from the docks. S: Indeed, citizen. I’m just arrived from another country. C: Can I help you acquire something? What do you seek? S: Only directions to […]

Eucharistic Reparation Opportunities in Septuagesima

Lord Jesus, drawing nigh with boldness to the throne of grace, we pray thee mercifully to behold and hear our prayer: that thy glory, which in the Sacrament of thy love is outraged perpetually by the blasphemies of wicked men, may by the perpetual worship of thy family be repaired (Collect from the Feast of […]

“All That Matters at Mass is Jesus”: Responding to Liturgical Heresy

How often have we heard it on social media? “As long as Jesus is present, nothing else really matters in the Mass, does it? We all have our preferences, but let’s stop fighting about things that are infinitely less important than He is.”[1] I find it interesting that we never reason this way in any […]