Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Confessions of an SSPX Sympathizer Living in “Novus Ordo Land”

Unless I attended some as an infant or toddler that I don’t recall (I was born in 1967), I’ve only been to one Traditional Latin Mass in my life, as I described here. I wish I could attend the Latin Mass regularly as well as introduce my wife to it. She converted to Catholicism about […]

The SSPX Debate: Update

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers,   I wanted to give everyone an update on the SSPX debate series. The debate so far has been primarily about the contentions of Mr. John Salza regarding canonical mission, and Mr. Salza was gracious enough to field a number of answers to his critique which we published here. […]

Mortification According to the Gospel

To see the true spirit of Christian mortification, we must consider what our Lord says about it in the Gospel and how the saints understood it and lived it. The Savior did not come upon earth to carry out a human work of philanthropy, but a divine work of charity. He accomplished it by speaking […]

How God Built an Unexpected Band of Brothers

The alleged Covid-19 pandemic, or rather the disordered response of the temporal and spiritual authorities to it, was a challenging time for Catholics in central Pennsylvania. As in many other places, churches were closed and the sacraments suspended (although my family was blessed to know a brave and holy priest who clandestinely celebrated the Mass […]

Goldsmith, Poet, Musician

On February 13, 1571, 451 years ago, a restless and eccentric goldsmith and sculptor, one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance died in Florence, where he was born November 3, 1500: Benvenuto Cellini. Here we are with another of the ranks of those very high minds who have been able to draw the most […]

Chapter 6

Read the last chapter before this one Start reading from chapter 1 *** Malthus my boy,   I admit that I myself was not privy to the extent of the work being done by our Propaganda Department in preparation for the contagion that is now gripping the minds of the human race. I should have […]

Septuagesima Sunday

We are now nine Sundays out from Easter. Once again, context helps. In the course of the Church’s liturgical year, we have great cycles, such as the one we just concluded, which stretched from Advent, through Christmas, Epiphany and, in important respects, ended with the Feast of the Purification or Presentation. Advent was the joyfully […]

Benedict Oblate Launches Apostolate to Pray for Families

I would like to introduce both myself and my apostolate. My name is Barbara Swan. I am a parishioner at Mater Ecclesiae Mission in New Jersey. I am also Sister Barbara Mectilde of the Blessed Sacrament, OSB Oblate, and as such, I am an “external monastic.”And my apostolate is prayer. Prayer especially for the many […]

Forgotten Customs of Septuagesima

Brethren: Know you not that they that run in the race, all run indeed, but one receiveth the prize. So run that you may obtain. And every one that striveth for the mastery refraineth himself from all things. And they indeed that they may receive a corruptible crown: but we an incorruptible one. I therefore […]

Trads Must Use Honey, Not Vinegar

In the wake on the motu proprio and the Responsa ad dubia, the eyes of the Church are fixed on those who attend the Latin Mass. This attention is coming at the same time as a book of mine is hitting the press, Ever Ancient, Ever New: Why Younger Generations Are Embracing Traditional Catholicism. It’s […]