Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Sexual Abuse Crisis in Eastern Orthodoxy

Editor’s note: please be advised that this article includes graphic details of sexual abuse. It is lamentable that we must discuss this, but unfortunately some are tempting Catholics away from the Roman Church due to the scandals. Ultimately, as Mr. Bieszad argues, this is a human problem which afflicts all religions. Fr. Nikolai Stremsky was […]

What Happens in Chicago Will Affect the Whole Church

From the organizers: Rosary Rally for the Latin Mass in Chicago this Sunday, February 6th A Rosary Rally for the Traditional Latin Mass will take place on Sunday, February 6th from 11:00AM – Noon outside of Holy Name Cathedral (735 N. State Street, Chicago, 60654). February 6th is the day Cardinal Cupich’s new restrictions on […]

He continues His Passion Rather than Remove His Presence

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers,   Last month we began the year of Our Lord, MMXXII calling for a deeper spiritual focus in our militancy on behalf of the Old Mass of our forefathers. We called for a true crusade – a fight that is divorced from all earthly attachments, but dedicated to the […]

Does Pius VI’s Auctorem Fidei Support Paul VI’s Novus Ordo?

Some people maintain that the Church cannot promulgate defective, useless, or harmful rites, citing Pope Pius VI’s Auctorem Fidei n. 78 and Pope Gregory XVI’s regional letter Quo Graviora n. 10. Those who wield these texts do not realize the trap into which they are falling. Let us consider more closely what Pius VI condemned. […]


Now Lord, let Thy servant go in peace, Unto whom Thy promise is made good, Now mine eyes indeed have seen His face, Child promised, Savior of the world. Dim these eyes have grown as years have passed, In toils and labors long in Thine employ, Mortal still I am though I outlast, Mortal kith […]

Candlemas: Feast of Obedience

Candlemas, as it’s called, is a twofold feast of the Presentation of Our Lord and the Purification of Our Lady, and it marks the end of the forty days of the Christmas season. It is primarily a Marian feast commemorating the obedience of Our Lady and Our Lord to the law of Moses. The name […]

The Victorious Martyrdom of St. Ignatius of Antioch

Editor’s note: without a doubt, it is spirit of the martyrs that must be rekindled in the hearts of the faithful in our age. Hence our serialization of St. Alphonsus’ great devotional work before Advent last year (which we hope to resume again soon, God willing). It is here that we find the great militant […]

Integralism is Christendom – Pt. II

Read part I here. Editor’s note: this is part of the postliberal conversation at OnePeterFive, in which we discuss and debate how to rebuild Christendom against the Liberal disorder. If you would like to add a submission to this conversation, please email us at editor [at] Integralism is care for the common good… In […]

Integralism is Christendom – Pt. I

Perhaps no term in modern Catholic political discourse is so poorly understood—deliberately or innocently—as “integralism.” The term is bandied about without second thought both by scornful opponents who deride it as “Catholic sharia law” and by wishful utopians who define it as nothing more or less than whatever vaguely traditional throne-and-altar political project they personally […]

Synod on Synodality: Implementing the “Ecclesiology of Vatican II”

The so-called Synod on Synodality — officially, the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, the theme of which is, “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission” (Oct. 2021–Oct. 2023) — opened in Rome the weekend of Oct. 9-10, 2021 and in dioceses around the world the following Sunday. Unlike previous synods, […]