Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Chapter 4

Read the last chapter before this one Start reading from chapter 1 *** Malthus my boy, I must say, I am pleased with your last report. It seems as if you have not only engendered severe opposition to the beliefs of the young man by his peers, but you have also fomented a campaign of […]

How to Respond to a Synod on the Synod on Synodality

I have a confession to make. It’s embarrassing to admit. I feel like less of a man because of it, if I can even call myself a man. I blame society. I blame my parents. I blame anything pre-Vatican II. Most of all, I blame being brainwashed with a non-innovative outlook. Out I come with […]

When the Church is Sinking and We are Perishing

As a reminder, the antiphons for Holy Mass for these last Sundays of Epiphanytide are the same. This shows us how, linked as they are, they are anchored in the Feast of Epiphany and they underscore the divinity of the Lord manifested through His miracles. The nature of the miracles themselves reveal that Christ is […]

The Romans and their Bishop, the Pope

I want to share a little about the uniqueness of Romans who attend the Traditional Latin Mass. To be Italian is great. To be Roman is great. To love the Latin Mass is great. But to be all these things is quite the sight to behold. I think they will be the leaven in the […]

St. John Henry Newman’s Conscience Against the Pope and the Vaccine

One can only presume that the relative unpopularity of St. John Henry Newman’s “Letter to the Duke of Norfolk” comes from its very name. A tract called “On Papal Infallibility and the Duty of Conscience,” written as it is by one of the greatest Christian writers of the past two centuries, would certainly gain notoriety, and serve as a better […]

The Catholic Teaching on Conscience

Dear OnePeterFive donors, supporters and readers,   Ahead of the print release of the important treatise from our contributing editor, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, True Obedience in the Church: A Guide to Discernment in Challenging Times, we present two pieces today on the Catholic understanding of conscience. As you may know, the term “conscience” has been […]

The Pelagian Pacifism which Confuses Politics

Author’s Note: as another military engagement threatens to erupt, I offer this essay about the confusion of human nature which has spread errors in Catholic political thought. This essay, however, should not be read as in any way supporting President Biden’s current geopolitically ill-advised political policy in the current Russia-Ukraine crisis. Knowing when, why, and […]

Priests Who Want Holy Water Must Use the ‘Rituale’—Despite Episcopal Prohibition

As is well known by now, the Responsa ad Dubia from the Congregation for Divine Worship, published on December 18, 2021, try to make the continued use of the Rituale Romanum contingent on episcopal permission. This is but one of many falsehoods contained in the document, which, in addition, violates the rights of bishops on numerous points of canon […]

Novus Ordo Catholics Support Latin Mass in Arlington Diocese

The Sunday following Traditionis Custodes, the Novus Ordo readings pronounced “Woe to the shepherds” whose actions “mislead and scatter the flock of My pasture, says the Lord.” Yet unlike shepherds who “have not cared,” the Lord is our perfect “Shepherd.” He “refreshes” the “soul.” His “rod” and “staff” will “give me courage.” Only through the […]