Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Vatican II Iconoclasm: Destroying What Our Fathers Built

The bishops who came home from Vatican II (or the “liturgist” wolves they failed to stop) initiated acts of violent destruction and iconoclasm in the name of the Council. The zeal for change disparaged the Church’s heritage and liturgical tradition and naturally influenced its architecture and design. This ended up destroying the monuments that our […]

Mother Maravillas de Jesús: Guarding the Teresian Reform

Author’s Preface: The following article pertains to the ongoing campaign against traditional contemplative life unleashed by Pope Francis. I had drafted my article in full prior to the fortuitous appearance of two other articles on Madre Maravillas, namely, Mary Cuff’s “The Beauty of Austerity” (Crisis Magazine, January 8, 2022) and Sr. Gabriela Hick’s “St. Maravillas: […]

The Liturgy of My Father’s Death

I never did get my father to see his two grandsons serve the old Mass – I’d harbored a vague notion that seeing them up there amidst the “smells and bells” might help bring him back into the fold. When they assisted at his requiem this past October, it was the first time they were […]

Perfectly One: Eucharist, Unity, and Traditionalism

“That they may become perfectly one…” —John 17:23 The ancient form of the Roman liturgy—that masterwork of the Holy Spirit by the hands of the saints—is once again targeted for extinction. Understandably, more than a few traditionalists are giving vent to their distress in heated and dramatic terms. However, as we struggle to preserve our […]

The Ordinary Mission of the SSPX – Reply to Salza

In an article entitled: “Does the SSPX Have an Extraordinary Mission?”, Mr. John Salza argues that the ministries of the Society of St. Pius X are illegitimate and, although he does not state it explicitly, should be avoided. He concludes: Neither Archbishop Lefebvre nor any of his bishops and priests have produced a single miracle […]

The Failed Defense of the SSPX – Reply to Bocca

Recently, Mr. Joe Bocca wrote a reply to my articles against the SSPX (see here and here).  In my article, I demonstrate that the ministry of the Society is illegitimate due to its lack of a juridical (or extraordinary) mission, according to divine law and the teaching of the Church. In short, the SSPX is […]

Chapter II

Read chapter I here. *** Malthus my boy,   I have received the dossier on your specimens, and although it was tardy and should have been handed in sooner—do not let that happen again—it is informative enough for now. Alas, the father does not as of yet have a habit of utilizing sexualized imagery for […]

Re-Evangelizing Our Separated Brethren, the Sedevacantists

It appears that the prologue to my series on sedevacantism caused quite a stir, rankling and even riling up a boatload of belligerent BadTrads. A bunch of sour grapes if you ask me, and they failed on multiple fronts, not least of which was their fantastical lack of foresight – not to mention their apparent […]

When the Wine is Gone

We made a firm move into Epiphanytide, the few weeks before pre-Lent’s Septuagesima Sunday. There is a strong magnetic attraction back to Epiphany on this 2nd Sunday after that great feast. Epiphany, really always on 6 January, was once endowed with its own Octave, regrettably abolished in 1955. The former Octave Day, always 13 January […]

Catholic Fighting Men in America Launch Crusade Against Communism

The Flight 93 Situation Back in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, Michael Anton of the Claremont Review of Books, writing under a pseudonym, penned an article comparing the situation of that election to the situation faced by the passengers of Flight 93 on 9/11. In his own words, the calculation was thus: Storm […]